Saturday, October 25, 2008

Lotto Carrot, Or The Stick?

I want to say first - I'm deeply sympathetic towards anyone suffering through the world's economic problems. I feel your pain.

But maybe you've noticed I don't talk too much about this in my posts. 

There's a reason...

First, I'm an extremely positive kinda person. Almost manic in my positivity.

Maybe you've been reading my emails and wondering what planet I come from, with my constant emphasis on the rich side of living and the good things in life.

Well, it's just that I find it hard to remain pessimistic for long.

In the past I've been through the worst kind of problems you could imagine. So I determined that nothing now would get me down.

The main reason I continue with my extreme stories about the joys of the wealthy is that I'm a firm believer that a carrot is far better than a stick.

Today's stick - the poor economy and credit woes - have been beating you long enough. You don't want to hear it from me... and I'm not going to give it to you either.

The carrot... the untold riches STILL available in the lottery world today, are yours for the plucking. All you need is some enthusiasm and determination, and the power of a great system.

If - like any future world leader - I had the choice to lead you with a carrot or a stick, it's the carrot every time.

Just settling this so we can continue, OK?

Now, in case you're depressed over your personal conditions - or your neighbor's or friend's problems, let me list a few of the world's problems. Then I promise never to mention them again.

And notice what happens to the lottery in this picture:

>> Oil prices plunge.
Lottery winnings have stayed the same or increased.

>> Food prices increase.
Lottery ticket prices have stayed the same.

>> Stocks and shares crash.
Lottery winnings have stayed the same or increased.

>> Cost of living goes up.
Lottery ticket prices have stayed the same.

>> Price of houses goes down.
Lottery winnings have stayed the same or increased.

I could go on.

But I won't. You get the picture.

There's ALWAYS hope. 

Happy Winning!
Ken Silver

P.S. The world's lotteries won't crash, burn, reduce or go away in a long time. They are a better bet than the banks, to be sure!

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