Saturday, April 07, 2007

A Story About A Hairdresser

I don't remember where I read the story. It may have been one of Michael Gerber's "E-Myth" books I have on my bookshelf. Maybe not. Perhaps it was The Millionaire Next Door by Thomas J. Stanley.

I can't remember - but it doesn't matter...

Here's what happened. The author of the book visited a hairdresser and asked her the secret of her success... why her salon was always busy and bustling whilst other businesses in the area languished.

She explained, "It's the personal interaction. I'm one of the few professionals who actually have the permission to touch a part of your physical body - your head. It's because of this that you feel connected to us more than any other business."

The author was bemused, but not convinced. He believed that it was just her own personal interpretation of success, and this flowed through to their business.

This belief was allowing her to become more confident and in turn it attracted more clients.

What's this got to do with lotto, you ask?

This... I am 100% totally convinced that the Silver Lotto System is the only system that will allow you to get substantial lotto winnings.

But here's the critical difference. My belief is not based on some airy fairy example or warped personal belief like our hairdresser.

It's based on fact... my own experience and hundreds of testimonials on my Silver Lotto System website, and the absurdly high win rates - sometimes as high as 98%.

As I speak, of just received an email with last night's lotto winning for my game. Already I've discovered three winning lines - and that's without even checking more than seven or eight tickets. As you know I always let the lotto shop check the tickets through their machine for absolute accuracy.
So I'm not like the hairdresser. I'm not thinking that my lotto success is due to some twisted belief process. It's based on solid fact, not fancy.

When you go to check out different lotto systems, you'll often be greeted with a multitude of mathematical gobbledygook. This is a smokescreen - the sellers are trying to convince you with their own brand of self belief.

You should only choose a system that is proven to work. And as far as I know, mine is one of the few who prove it.

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