Making Money Without Lotto
I think everyone should have their own business. If your enterprise sustains you... that is - gives you all the personal satisfaction and money you ever need - then that's got be the best reward in life.
Because if you do it right, you get the biggest byproduct of all - true personal freedom. It's blissful when you achieve this. Lotto will do the same with less effort.
But there's one fly in the ointment however...
While some hobby businesses may satisfy you, not many real businesses make money.
It's true. Here's an insight:My wife and I had a friend over for tea last night - a fellow lotto winner using my Silver Lotto System too, by the way - and as we were munching a delicious gourmet pizza, he made a statement that had me nodding my head vigorously.
He said the words that I had known for years... that the 10% of businesses which are successful, are only profitable because they have long term contracts with large corporations.
This gives them the continuity of profit (if they're frugal) to pay staff, overheads like rent and utilities, pay their suppliers and various hangers-on like public relations people and so on.
Now, I've been through the mill - having had both successful business and not so, and I agree with him 100%.
So how do you uncover such a successful business opportunity that doesn't rely on these hard-to-get contracts?
I'll reveal how now, but prepare to be surprised. Because the 'right' business is not always the best one.
What's the difference? Here's an example:
For decades I've known about the vast profits from real estate. Each year - usually round about the same season (isn't life's timetable predictable!) - I get the urge to invest. Yet something stops me. It's not the fear of commitment, I have no problem with that. Nor the fear of large sums of borrowings... in an earlier post here I talk about how I overcame that years ago.
It's passion. The lack of.
Now, many people will tell you that passion doesn't make a business successful... that anyone can apply a proven formula in much the same way that franchises do today, and succeed anyhow.
I'm not sure that that's entirely true.
Because when the going gets tough... and inevitably it will... you will need large dobs of passion and interest to move you out of the tough times.
Years ago I remember reading about one of our country's largest property moguls, where in the interview he pointed to one of his waterfront office buildings and said: "Look at that, isn't it a wonderful looking building? This is what property is all about." He was passionate about a plain-looking lump of concrete and steel, and it showed. He is also very successful, because he sold the building for $26 million, then bought it back this year, a decade later, for $12 million (figures from memory). It's now valued at the higher rate. That's it in the photo above, taken when I popped out late this afternoon for a drive.
I won't get rich in property. After 10 minutes of looking through the newspaper property pages I get very depressed. Then thinking about all the legal paperwork makes me even more depressed. There's no way that I will get into property in a big way.But sit me down in front of the computer and ask me to write creatively about my Silver Lotto System, marketing and success, and my pen flows over the page for hours without stop. Each morning I wake up full of expectation and I can't wait to get down to my computers to start the day.
My passion means that a low sales day fires me up. Instead of getting depressed, I look at the low figures as a challenge and do something to change that.
So your first requirement for any business is not to find one that makes you a huge amount of money, but to find one that excites you.
In my next post I'm going to tell you what I think the secret to the hugely successful business is. And the good thing is this - the most successful business won't cost you a cent to set up. The entry fee is so low that you'll never fail! And you have everything you need right in front of you, right now.
Watch out for it.
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