Tuesday, April 24, 2007

How My "X" Unearthed A Treasure Trove

I want to tell you about my recent financial success. I'm constantly amazed by the usefulness of this tool for making money:

I increased my sales by 2x last week, simply by finding the right kind of information on my own www.kensx.com website. Yes, I eat my own dogfood! (This phrase was popular a few years back. It referred to dogfood executives having enough blind faith in their own products to test them by taste. Urk!)

Let me tell you how I did it:

I wanted to increase sales for one of my products. (Who doesn't!)

Sales are almost directly linked to website traffic. So I went to www.kensx.com and simply typed in "traffic."

Then I bought the ebook at #1 position. You see, my clever searchbox automatically sorts all the ebooks by popularity. Generally the most popular ebook or product is there for 2 reasons:

1. It sells well.
2. It has few refunds.

Therefore, by default, it's usually very good. Sure, you could get one that stinks but still has managed to haul itself to top position, but generally that's very rare.

So I read the book, and in 20 minutes came across a brilliant idea. Using it, I sent out a newsletter - that doubled my sales over the next 4 days. I could have equally used any of the other methods in this manual, but I chose just one. It paid off, and I made my money back from buying the ebook and several hundred dollars besides.

Even if you need information on any topic, you'll find it at my searchbox: www.kensx.com. And it could be VERY profitable for you!

(By the way, did you know why I called it "Ken's X?" Because X marks the spot - a treasure trove discovered).

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