Monday, March 12, 2007

How A Post-It Note Can Get You Super-Organized

In an earlier post I talked about setting goals in a to-do list with Post-It notes.

But if you're in business, you need to prioritize your life in a more efficient way. So, still using Post-It notes, write down your to-do list, BUT...

... separate out only the items that will make you money. (It's obvious - without money you don't have a business!)

For example, here's my partial list for today:

  • - clean office desk
  • - scan receipts
  • - open mail
  • - read goal list
  • - complete project 21
  • - answer lotto emails
But there's only 1 item on this list that will make me some money, and that's "complete project 21."

I put this target on a single Post-It note and attach it to the side of my computer screen, my wallet, or wherever else I'm going to be today. Each time I have an interruption - for example I'm taking my wife downtown in about 15 minutes - I can return to see the note, and get motivated.

There's only 1 way to be successful in business or lotto, and that is to stay focused. That means:

ONE objective at a time...
ONE game at a time.

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