Sunday, March 11, 2007

Why Walk Down The Stairs Backwards?

Variety is the spice of life.

That's why sometimes I walk down our stairs backwards. Our house has 28 steps spread over four different levels... it makes for an interesting trip.

Here's a picture of the top level. I hang on to the rail as I go - no use taking unnecessary risks! To enhance the sensation, I sometimes I close my eyes as well.

That's not all... sometimes I swap my knife and fork to different hands while eating dinner. Occasionally I've tried writing using my left hand.

I have a choice of four cars to visit the lotto shops or go traveling - 2 sports convertibles and 2 SUV's - and I mix them up a bit. And I always take a different route wherever I go.

All this activity is designed to keep my brain sharp by challenging it.

If you do something different every day instead of wearing out the same old rut, this constant re-adaption keeps your senses alert, and your facilities - like reflexes and thinking abilities - constantly growing.

Some folk do a daily crossword puzzle. Others create with knitting or painting. All good.

You can do this in lotto too... just change your game every once in a while. You'll be surprised what a difference it makes when you have to figure out new numbers for your tickets and go to a different newspaper or TV to see your results.

While this advice won't make you an automatic lotto winner, it will help you adapt and grow as your life flows along. This makes change easier, and keeps you mentally stimulated. You become more open to new ideas, which is very good thing.

But don't change the numbers in your Silver Lotto System - until you've won. That's the only thing in your lotto life that should stay constant!

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