Wednesday, February 21, 2007

How To Banish Worries, Debts & Problems For Good

I put quite a lot of emphasis on writing down your goals to accelerate your success, whether they are for unstructured events like lotto - or more detailed ones like buying your next home.

But did you know you could also use this goal setting system to fix your short-term worries as well?

The solution works on the principle that you can't hold too many problems in your head. It leads to you becoming unfocused, as often your problems overwhelm you to the point that you are negatively hypnotized... so you don't do anything about them.

Here's what I've found works very effectively...

The act of writing your problems down plays a hugely important part in allowing the subconcious part of your brain to work on a solution. But you can speed up the process quite dramatically this way:

1. Make a list of all your short-term worries, in no particular order. I use my computer's sticky notes in Outlook 2003 (graphic above).

2. Prioritize them. Number the most pressing, urgent and necessary problems, starting with 1.

3. Take just item number 1 and write it down on a physical Post-It note. I find the yellow ones work for me.

4. Display the note where you can see it several times a day. It can be on the screen of your computer, near your keyboard, on your refrigerator... anywhere that you see it often.

Now work solely on this problem. Don't think about the rest. Work on this single problem until it is solved. Only then take the next problem - number 2 - and do the same with that.

Obviously you have to figure out what kind of problems will fit into this solving solution. If you have a long-term and complex problem, obviously this won't work... you can't put the rest on the back burner while you take a year to figure out your first one. Use common sense in listing and prioritizing your problems.

But the end result is a peaceful mind, and your problems solved quicker than you have ever imagined.

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