Tuesday, March 27, 2007

There Is Actually More Than One Path

I'm writing this very quickly before I head off to the dentist in about 10 minutes time.

Over the last week or so I've been very distracted. I have been working on a personal project involving videoconferencing, and now it's almost complete I can get back to business.

But the last week has taught me a lesson: not to concentrate on one area to the exclusion of another. If you look back over my last few posts, you'll notice that they are a day or two apart... I've neglected to post daily.

So the lesson is to look after your main path as well as tending your other secondary paths. The same applies to lotto. It's important to keep your main numbers going each week, but from time to time wander off that path and take another game, or choose a different day to play, or even go in together with someone else.

Mix it up a bit, but don't neglect your main focus.

(My dentist appointment is just for cosmetic adjustment - no pain involved! What a relief)

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