Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Items On My Desk #1

I thought over the next few days you might be interested in seeing what's on my home office desk. There are not many items because I like to keep it fairly clear, but there's half a dozen that might interest technology buffs.

In this photo you can see my Beamer videophone. (The small item beside it is a temperature guage).

I bought The Beamer about five years ago from the United States, soon after they were introduced. It has a built-in camera and 4" screen, and just plugs into your phone line. But I only used it for a couple of months and then stored it away because it really wasn't that effective. Certainly you could see the person at the other end in jerky black-and-white. And yes, it did work over a standard phone line, but it never was as convenient as a webcam and Skype.

So I keep it on the corner of my desk to remind me that while technology advances us as a civilization, some of it is inherently flawed!

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