Monday, September 29, 2008

The Truth About Lotto Numbers

I've written several times before that there's not many hard items about calculating lotto numbers in my nearly 1,000 Lotto-Tips newsletter posts. And there's a good reason...

With the splendid Custom Profiles (, my system is complete, ready to rumble. Nothing left for you to calculate.

All the computations, number selection, calculations, testing and double checking have all been worked out. There's nothing more to do. Nada. Zilch.

So really, there's no reason to discuss numbers any further. Any discussion won't give you any advantage at all.

All you do is follow the Silver lotto System until you win. It couldn't be easier.

So if you're looking for detailed discussion on:

* -hot numbers
* -cold numbers
* -frequent numbers
* -infrequent numbers
* -favorite numbers
* -hot sequences
* -cold sequences
* -frequent sequences
* -infrequent sequences
* -favorite sequences...

... then I'm afraid you're out of luck. Because all these weird number theories that you see in other systems won't win you a red cent.

I've examined a number of other lotto products, and I cannot believe how people can take them seriously. They are either too complicated for any human mind to comprehend, or patently unworkable.

After you buy and read up about my Silver lotto System - and it's not that complicated - you'll understand at once why it works. It's simple and understandable.

You'll also know why a small percentage of luck is also necessary.

Nobody else tells you that.

Take a look:

Happy Winning!
Ken Silver

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