Friday, September 12, 2008

Dust The Cobwebs Off That Lottery System!

For most people the Silver Lotto System is easy to set out. Takes 30 minutes or so.

But what if you're a busy executive, soccer mom - or someone who simply doesn't like figurework?

Maybe you've flipped through the manual, saw a bunch of figures in a chart, and flipped out. The manual went back into your special 'things to do later' pile and it never saw daylight again.

Then you keep reading in my constant stream of daily newsletters about the constant flow of winners using my products, and you despair of ever getting your own winning profile completed.

I understand your pain :) That's why Custom Profiles were invented!

I do the working out for you. Custom Profiles are just what they sound like... all the figures you need, painstakingly worked out just for you.

All you need is the Silver Lotto System to show you how to transfer them to your tickets in a once-only, easy 5-minute action.

You can get a Custom Profile for most games around the world, even Powerball.

And hey, USA Powerball is up to $118 Million. If you buy my Powerball system right now (, you just might get in for Saturday's game.

You can see all the Custom Profiles listed here, available instantly:

Believe me, it will make your life so much easier!

Subscribe to my free Lotto-Tips newsletter