Saturday, December 30, 2006

Is My System Expensive To Play?

Do you think the Silver Lotto System is expensive to play?

You might be put off by the fact that I recommend you buy more than a couple of tickets a game to make it work properly.

But not always...

While my system is for the serious player out to get a pot of gold--that doesn't necessarily mean you have to spend a fortune.

I've had players tell me that they get good results many times with just 10 lines. That's only $10 a game for many lotto games--well within anyone's reach.

And it works because no matter what amount you play, the Silver Lotto System filters out the bad numbers at every level of play.

It gives a real numerical advantage.

Some players play a little more than 10 lines, like Andy here:

Hi Ken,
just wanted to tell you that I had 4 winning
number combinations last wednesday in NSW lotto.
(2,4 out of 6, and 2,3 and a supp.) I also had
2 winning games (4out of 6) in this saturday
night's game. I have been winning something every
couple of weeks since starting the system.the
worst period was 3 weeks without a win.
that,s playing twice a week with 56 games.
Andy D (full name and email supplied)

So why not increase your lines? Play more than you normally do, and see what happens. You might be pleasantly surprised!

Friday, December 29, 2006

How to Sort The Gems From The Rubbish

When you're looking for a product to build an income or make some spare greenbacks, it's hard to know what to choose. There is a lot of rubbish around.

So I made it easy for you.

I went back over my last year's sales and found the top-selling product.

Not only that... but I also checked the number of refunds it had. Because that's the best indicator of a superior product.

You'll be quite surprised... the top-selling product also had the lowest number of refunds - only 3 in fact, out of hundreds of sales.

That didn't surprise me - good products are always value for money.

With this real gem:

- You NEVER have to create or maintain a website of your own.
- You NEVER have to create your own products or services.
- You NEVER have to stock any inventory.
- You NEVER have to take or ship orders.
- You NEVER have to deal with customers or follow up on leads.
- You NEVER have to work any set hours!
- You NEVER have to fork out any huge investments.

Take a look at it here:

By the way, I also checked my own Silver Lotto System sales, and guess what? It has the lowest number of refunds than any other product I've sold! But then you knew that didn't you?

Which Lotto Type Are You? (2)

In the last post I said that over the many years in the lotto business, I've found that most players fall into definite categories:

i) Broke, but willing to try anything
ii) Waged, but not much spare money
iii) 1-5 tickets-a-week player
iv) Analytical player
v) Doubting player
vi) Winners

To get the most from the Silver Lotto System, you need to recognise your type, then use it to play to win. We covered the first 3... now here's my suggestions for the final three:

iv) Analytical Player.

PROBLEM: You want to believe in the Silver Lotto System but your inbuilt logic prevents you from fully doing that. You've run your own tests and they don't come up with the same results as other winners.

WHAT TO DO NOW: Realise that lotto is a game of chance. While the Silver Lotto System takes you close to the top percent of winning numbers, you need (1) persistence (2) patience and (3) a plan to win.

FUTURE STEPS: Use my Lotto-80 to fine-tune your game along with the Silver Lotto System. This combo will allow you only to play the weeks that have the greatest win possibilities, using the system that gives you the best chance.

v) Doubting Player.

PROBLEM: You don't always believe what you read. You think figures and facts can be fudged. You doubt whether you have the skill or tenacity to keep playing until a win comes along.

WHAT TO DO NOW: Get out of your cynical mood and start believing in the good of humanity and the power of numbers. It is possible that someone has got the answer and is out to help you. Yes, me!

FUTURE STEPS: Know that my first objective is to help you make a sizeable win. My second objective (and I've never made a secret of this) is to make some serious money for myself. But I can't do that unless you win... because your wins gives me testimonials and credibility to make further profitable sales of the Silver Lotto System. So I'm going to do my darndest to help you, right? Right! It's self-interest for us both, in the best possible way.

vi) Winners.

NO PROBLEM: They're the players who have found their type, acted on a solution, and written me about their win!

Are you a winner yet?

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Which Lotto Type Are You?

Over my many years in the lotto business, I've found that most players fall into definite categories:

i) Broke, but willing to try anything
ii) Waged, but not much spare money
iii) 1-5 tickets-a-week player
iv) Analytical player
v) Doubting player
vi) Winners

To get the most from the Silver Lotto System, you need to recognise your type, then use it to play to win-big. Here's my suggestions:

i) Broke, But Willing To Try Anything.

PROBLEMS: You have an exaggerated idea of what a lotto system can do for you on a tiny amount of play money. You tend to try small plays using several systems at a time - including some Quick Picks, hoping that one will come up with the winning ticket. At times you may spend your last few dollars on tickets in the hope you get the Big One.

WHAT TO DO NOW: Realise that while some players get lucky on their first try using tiny investments, many don't. Buy and limit yourself to one lotto system only (Yep, make it mine! Silver Lotto System). Play the system fully when you can afford it. In the in-between weeks, take a couple of dollar tickets using the system, just for fun.

FUTURE STEPS: You can easily become an affiliate for the Silver Lotto System and earn extra cash. It's free and only takes a minute to begin. This means you will get a commission each time you recommend the system to others. When they buy it from me, you get almost US$20 from ClickBank, our affiliate payment center. Use that money to play your game - don't spend the housekeeping! After you buy the Silver Lotto System, you'll get full instructions.

ii) Waged, But Not Much Spare Money.

PROBLEM: You're on a regular wage but still find yourself short each week. You can't afford to play the full system each week.

WHAT TO DO NOW: You need to make a realistic investment into your game. You need my Lotto-80 System. It will tell you when best to play so you don't waste your investment on 'off' weeks.

FUTURE STEPS: Use your winnings each time and add them together to play the next game. Each time your wins increase, plough them back into your game, using the Silver Lotto System and Lotto-80.

iii) You're a 1-5 Tickets-a-week Player.

PROBLEM: You buy 1 ticket or coupon or line a week, and then wonder why the system isn't working for you.

WHAT TO DO NOW: You need to increase your playing money to the maximum amount the Silver Lotto System allows. Then you need to use the Lotto-80 System to find the best playing weeks.

FUTURE STEPS: Play the full number of Profiles, but use the Lotto-80 system to fine-tune your investment.

I'll cover the other 3 types in tomorrow's post.

Monday, December 25, 2006

Don't Get Stuck In The Past!

The winnings from the Silver Lotto System keep coming, but this one has a little lesson for us:

I was skeptical about your system and went back
and checked out my numbers for the last 2 years
with my profile list, and I could only get a
few wins with the biggest $230. But I went ahead
anyway and would you believe it??? I won $7600!!!
after 5 weeks with these numbers. (I changed a
couple first, but it was mainly the same ones
according to your system).
So I'm sending you $76 as a reward for a great
game plan!
- Bryce Vernon

Bryce, thanks for the money, but you've shown us the best part of the Silver Lotto System - persistence, and always look forward, not back.

Back-testing may give good results - as it did for me with my astounding 80% win results - but sometimes it won't for some others. It's all part of the game, and you must keep persistently persevering until you see the results.

Don't get stuck in the past... the future is the best place to win!

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

There's No Such Thing As a Free Lunch?

If you've been following the last couple of newsletters, you'll know that I've been making a name change to my system. It's now the Silver Lotto System (previously the Honest Lotto System), and the change is almost complete now.

Today's Tip

Over on my other forum, one of my long-term posters is trying to give away his business. He designs covers for e-books, and has a good share of the market.

Unfortunately his multiple sclerosis disease has advanced, and he needs less pressure and fewer deadlines.

So he's trying to give away the ebook design side of his business.

There have been no takers.

I'm not surprised.

We are universally conditioned to believe that there's no such thing as a free lunch. We are suspicious if something appears too good to be true.

I get that attitude a lot with my Silver Lotto System (yep, formerly the Honest Lotto System, renamed).

People can't believe that my system works so well, for so little a price.

So they start looking for flaws...

They think it's impossible to win eight out of 10 times. And they think some of my figures are way out of line when I talk about increasing their winning odds by millions of times with my system.

Well it's not true:-

Let's use the Powerball game as a working example...

We need to guess 5 numbers plus the Powerball, which makes the starting odds about 1 in 80 million (80,089,128 to be exact).

Now, if we only selected one correct number out of the 6 required, the odds would drop dramatically - to just under 2 million (1,953,393).

Without getting into complex mathematics, we have managed to cancel out over 78 million wrong number combinations... just by selecting one correct ball. That's a very simplified explanation, but correct.

Can you see how I can easily make the claim of reducing your odds by millions of times?

It's easy to see, when you know how.
i bought your system last month and before then have been playing lotto with varied system and to be honest, have been winning small small amounts in no significant details.
When i used your system, i played on 60 numbers as i have been doing with my other systems and lo! i grabbed the equivalent of $13,000.00! in one fell swoop.
i just couldnt believe my luck. i mean, i just defied my understanding. i am still enjoying the fruit of my purchase with the windfall though. Thanks Ken.... and i can't wait for the millions to come through.
Onah H.

Onah couldn't believe his luck... except we know better. It's my system which manufactured his luck.

And if you're interested in taking over Neil's e-book design business, I believe he's closed his offer. But who knows... he may be open to suggestions if you approach it right.

See his offer at my forum: and look for the post "Someone's going to get one heck of a Christmas present - maybe it's you!"

Maybe it is!

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

The 3 Money-Making Play Steps Revealed

Every day Honest Lotto System players email me and ask the same question. Even though the answer is presented many times in the manual and on my websites, these players ask me again and again...: "How many lines do I play?"

So here it is again in case you missed the page in the manual. And it applies to all lotto games too.

The Three Money-Making Steps To Using The Honest Lotto System:

1) Play the lotto game with the smallest number of balls and numbers.
2) Use *as many* Profile lines as you can afford.
3) Don't play too often with small investments - play only when you can invest the *maximum* number of lines in each game.

Monday, December 18, 2006

My Magic Searchbox

Enter any topic into this clever searchbox and get a short list of the most popular how-to ebooks from more than 11,400. More info...

5 Simple Winning Steps

The good news is that the Honest Lotto System continues to get more lucky winners every day. Congratulations to them!

But for some almost lucky people--like Kumaran here--it's not quite as good...

Hi Ken,
Just thought I update you. The good news
is 5 out of 6 (and the additional number)
were in, in the last draw.
The bad news is I had not bought the tickets.
I'll be persistent from this time onwards...
How do you do it Ken?

How do I do it, Kumaran?


I focus on my end target.

Some players find it hard to bounce back after a losing streak. Others blame the system, the weather, bad luck.

I don't. I have strong, immovable goals that I work on each day. I'm extremely persistent. And the rewards flow in.

Here's how anyone can improve their persistence like me, in Five Simple Steps:

1) Believe that your win will come.
As you've seen in the many testimonials, the Honest Lotto System gets wins for many folk. But I've found that a common denominator for these winners is that they continue to play even when the last game was a no-win. They know the power of the Honest Lotto System works for others. They believe it will work for them. They have stickability... and sooner or later it pays off.

2) Refuse to acknowledge losses.
Whenever there are top people in their field, they got there with determination. Not all of them are exceptionally gifted, they're just determined. Most have lost big-time in their lives, but fought on to make a comeback. Happens all the time. Read any book on any of life's winners and you will discover the same thing... they all possess a gritty determination against huge odds. Lotto is no different, believe me.

3) Have a bigger goal.
If you give up too soon, it's probably because you haven't set your play target high enough. Don't expect to win in 2 year's time - tell yourself you are going to make it in two months! Then plan to make your win a reality by playing more in the games that give you the best chance (see previous posts for how you can do this)

4) Get a ritual going.
Go down to your local lotto shop at the same time each week. Go with the same friend each time. Park in the same spot if you can (or like me, walk - it's better for you). See the same assistant to have your tickets processed. Have a coffee afterwards in the same shop. These small rituals build on your play tactics so you'll feel as if you're missing out when you don't do it. That gives you an automatic incentive to keep going. Once you've done this a number of times, it will be easy to continue through the no-win periods.

5) Enjoy the game.
Yes, it's only a game. You might only play 3 games before you have a good win... or you may play more. But whatever the number it takes, remember:
- Every game you play takes you closer to a win.
- It's not rocket science. You don't have to perform any mumbo-jumbo to do your tickets using the Honest Lotto System. Trust the system to work for you.

One more tip... if you have had a string of bad luck in your past, don't worry. Winning a lotto game does NOT depend on how much bad luck you've had in your life.

As long as you keep moving and trying, you will make your own good luck.

Winners do more, play more, work harder. That's all you need to do too, to change your circumstances.

What are you waiting for? Get going - and good luck!

Friday, December 15, 2006

Can You Believe How Much $$ He Makes?

I've just read on a forum that one guy is making over $1,000 a DAY from this lazy system without any experience or skill. It's the No.1 website of its type and has been operating for years.

Check it out:

Get Off The Lotto Diet...

Can't decide which diet to go on?

One popular and trendy book tells you something, and two weeks later Dr Phil tells you something else. Former US president Bill Clinton went on a popular diet, then had to have heart surgery a short time later.

Confusing isn't it?

Occasionally I get emails asking me how my Honest Lotto System compares to other systems. Just like diet plans.

Usually these questions come because the writer hasn't had much success with their existing program.

Well, I don’t make comparisons.

Like the diet business, it's just too complex.

But there is a simpler way...

What you should ask yourself is: what RESULTS do these other systems show for their buyers?

I look at many systems in my research (but I never buy them - I know they don’t work as well as the Honest Lotto System).

All they tell me is how "good" the system is.

They never say who has won using it.

I'm different. On my main website you'll see many happy success stories with win amounts over $500,000, and like John here:

OK i tried many other lotto programs and
they all stank. i piled money in and got
nothing back. So i tried yours. it took a
while but i started to get some dollars.
Then last week I got $77000. wow!!!! I
never had that much money in my life its
like 2 years wages all at one time. First
thing I did was to get my cards paid of.
Then I treated my G/F and family out. My
name is like gold in my home. Thanks!!!
John Nive, LA (name and address supplied)

So don’t go on a diet yet - buy the Honest Lotto System and maybe you can afford to get your own personal trainer with your winnings.

As the tired Hollywood saying goes: you can never be too thin or too rich!

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Big Change a-Coming...

I only revealed this revelation to my wife this morning... so you and her are the only people I've told so far :-)

I'm changing the name of my lotto system.

Very shortly it will be called the Silver Lotto System.

It's because I've always wanted something public named after me. And since no one in my city is willing to rename their real estate in my name (Silver Boulevard sounds good... hey, Silver City even better!), I guess a lotto system is the next best thing.

So why should you get excited about it?

Simply because for the next few days the Honest Lotto System manual will be selling at a reduced price.

- I am selling just 100 copies of the digital manual ebook at its lowest ever price of US$39.95.
- I have only 20 copies left of the printed manual, and these will be going for a song at cost: US$49.95.

I expect to sell all of these in the next few days before the big name changeover, so you need to be quick.

So, any problems?

If you're an affiliate, you don't have to worry about a thing. The original "Honest lotto System" name in your links will still be permanently available - so you still receive your commission for years to come without changing a thing.

However, you can change your links any time after I make the official announcement. But if you forget, or have many links to change, don't worry... your original affiliate link will all be transferred automatically until you get round to it.


I will also be putting up the price of my popular Lotto Mini-Website system to $97 shortly, but till then you can get it for just US$47. Take a look at why it's the best business you can have without even needing a website of your own:

Today's Tip

Buy everything of mine you can get your hands on. It won't get any cheaper! (And you never know - they might become valuable collector items).

Then visit to get my free 55-page "Lotto Secrets Revealed" manual - and tell a friend about it. I bet they'll thank you for it--especially if they buy my system and hit the jackpot!

Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a lot of work to do!

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

My Neighbor Crashed--And Guess What?

My next-door neighbor, Lindsay, is a motorcycling fanatic. He's been riding for over 30 years now, and owns an Italian-built Ducati.

At least he did until a week or two ago.

He crashed it through a moment of inattention while taking a corner.

Everyone who viewed the wreckage was amazed that he managed to walk away. There were bits and pieces of his expensive cycle strewn all over the road. He managed to escape with just a bruise or two and a pulled shoulder. Very lucky man.

In fact, so lucky, that when someone suggested he go out and buy a lotto ticket, he bought five of them.

A lot of people do this.

I guess it's a natural reaction.

But it doesn't do an ounce of good. That's because the action is based on superstition. There is no way that your odds will improve simply because you had a narrow escape. It may feel reassuring to celebrate your success, but there is no proof that it will change anything.

It's vitally important to look at playing lotto with some intelligence. Forget luck... it only plays a small part. And superstition plays no part of all.

You need the benefits of a proven system.

Needless to say, my neighbor didn't win a cent.

But there are many people who were very pleased he is alive, and that's the best part for everyone.

Why wait to experience any future life-threatening narrow escape, and get your Honest lotto System now?

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

4 Tips To Help You Play Better

Here's a sad tale from one of my Honest Lotto owners (Silverite) about a lost US$175,000.00...

I am sorry to say that I had all 5 numbers
for the Illinois Little Lotto last Thursday
and did not play unfortunately. A young girl
hit me with her car and knocked me out of my
wheel chair the Saturday before. This did
considerable damage to the chair and myself
resulting in my not winning the $175,000 pot.
This would have been mine alone since nobody
had the winning numbers. How is that for bad
luck? Tell everyone to watch talking on a
cell phone while driving.
Larry (name and address supplied)

Bad luck Larry. Get well soon!

The good news is that Larry played using my system and could have won with it.

So how can you get better results with the Honest lotto System?

Some people play with the System the same way they did before buying it. If they bought a couple of quick pick tickets 3 times a week before, then that's what they do it now - except now they're using my system.


Using my System requires a change in your thinking.

You can't trudge down to your local lotto shop, spend $2, fill out a couple of tickets from the Honest Lotto System Profile with a leaky pen, and expect to win.

But you also don't have to spend a heap of money either. Some players have won large amounts with just $18 a game invested.

So here's 4 ways to help you play better:

1) Play more.
If you can't afford more than a couple of lines
a game, you're going nowhere fast. Honest Lotto
System success depends on you playing as many
lines as you can afford. Save up your playing money,
and instead of playing regular, frequent games
with small amounts, invest it all on one game.

2) Stay away from the 7 ball games.
I've said this before... the more balls and
numbers that appear in a game, the lower your
chances are of winning. Go for the lowest
numbers of both balls and playing numbers
wherever you can.

3} Go for low payouts.
The higher the prize - like the estimated
$33 million dollar USA Powerball jackpot
prize coming up this Saturday - the more
people play.

How many people do you think will share the
prizes with you in a large game like this?

Yes, lots! But low payout games attract fewer
players, and your chances of NOT sharing
the prizes make it a better deal.

4) How does the payout come to you?
Many high stake lotteries give enormous
prizes which send most people into delirious
delight. Until they look at the payout.

Sometimes it's an annuity - a paced payout
of only a few thousand dollars every month
Spread over many years. Other ways might offer
a one-time cash payout, but which will be
much less than the original prize amount.

Decide what you can live with before you
play the game.

Monday, December 11, 2006

Quick Question--How Lucky Are You?

Did you know there's a book written about getting good luck? It's called "The Luck Factor."

Written by Professor Richard Wiseman, it talks about how you can improve your luck by up to 40% and more.

Now, the Honest Lotto System works on a large percentage of fact, and a tiny percentage of luck. While these figures are hard to gauge, it could be 99% fact and 1% luck.

While the luck factor is small, it still could mean the difference between winning the Big One, or winning a smaller prize.

So, how can you increase your luck to win more?

Based on Prof. Wiseman (what a great surname!) and his findings, you can do this:

1) Play more games.
Richard Wiseman found that people who did more
activity improved their luck dramatically. So
make sure you play as many lines as you can
afford. Playing 5 lines in 20 games a week is
not the best way... instead, play 100 lines in
1 game for the same outgo, and get top results.

2) Reduce your losing chances.
The Honest Lotto System does that for you by
giving you a way to cut out the losing numbers
in most lotto games in the world. That's the
way my system works. And it doesn't matter
whether you play in Britain, Europe, USA,
Australia, Asia... the Honest Lotto System
works anywhere for games that have numbers up
to 69.

3) Don't worry about money you've lost.
According to the book, lucky people distract
themselves after a spell of bad luck by going
to the gym, watching a funny film, listening to
music, visiting friends. These physical
activities speed up the sense of loss and get
it out of the way quicker so they can move on.
Loss is all part of playing lotto, so you need
to stay encouraged and positive all the time
through action.

4) Ignore superstition.
The book showed that lucky people were less
superstitious than unlucky people. So if you
think you shouldn't buy a lotto ticket because
a black cat crossed your path, go ahead and buy
one anyway. Cats can't control your luck - only
you can. Yet it's amazing how many players select
a group of numbers by avoiding 13 or playing a
birthday date. None of this has any usefulness
except to reduce their chances of winning.

5) Persist, persist!
This is my favorite. In earlier newsletters I've
talked about how keeping going is the most
important part of using my lotto system. Most
people don't have the foresight to plan ahead,
and give up too soon. My winning plan is based
on the next 10 years of playing and providing
information to my Honest Lotto System enthusiasts
(you ARE one, right?) That's a long-term plan
that over-rides any short term problems. Most
successful people have this attitude. Do you?

Good luck! :-)

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Is This Jerk For Real?

Remember I recommended the Rich Jerk a while back? Many of you bought his ebook.

It was a top seller, and the feedback was fantastic.

But his new ebook I've bought is completely different, and far better:

If you're an Honest lotto System affiliate - or intend to be one - this ebook is a must-have. And you can also use his program with other products too... to grow your income stream automatically.

Best of all, he says you could start earning 15 minutes after you put the program into action.

You don't have to create or maintain a website of your own.
You don't have to create your own products or services.
You don't have to stock any inventory.
You don't have to take or ship orders.
You don't have to deal with customers or follow up on leads.

PS. No-one knows if it is the Rich Jerk - he won't admit it on this site. But I've got a fair idea it is.

I give it top marks.

Here's the link again:

Thursday, December 07, 2006

My Mother's Risky Experience

Another winner tells us of his successes, but you'll quickly see there's something missing...

Dear Ken,
I can't tell you how many times last year and this I checked my profiles and found I had won often large amounts. I didn't put any money on the tickets, so here's what I should have won if I had;
Sept--$2699 (wow!!!)
December--$1770 (that would have been great)
What do you think about that?
Winning soon for real hopefully!

Ken T (name and address supplied)

These are great "winnings" indeed, Ken T. Pity about not collecting them!

You need to take that first step and buy those tickets. Otherwise you'll be writing to me again in a year with stories of more and larger winnings that you lost out on.

Let me tell you a little story about taking a risk:

Many decades ago, when I was barely in my teens, my own mother put all her week's housekeeping purse on the horses for one race. It was a once-a-year event for her, held at Ellerslie race course in Auckland, near where we lived. The bet was about $100 in today's money - a huge amount back then.

Remarkably, her horse came through - winning her about $2,000.

She spent some of it on a ladies Rolex watch, something she'd always wanted.

We both knew the gamble was the silliest behavior possible.

Fortunately for my mother it paid off. But it just as easily could have left her scraping to get by until the next payday.

Quite a few lotto players don't get up enough nerve to invest the amount that may lead to success. I don't encourage silly spending either... the family, food and other life essentials come first. It would be irresponsible for me to suggest everyone goes out and spends their last cent on a huge lotto ticket buy-up.

Throughout my Honest Lotto System manual and everywhere I can, I tell you it's essential to invest your play money sensibly.

So after my mother's experience, here's what I suggest:

1) Making a plan of what you can afford.
2) Plan for how long you'll keep spending until a win.
3) Play only that amount, consistently, until you do win.

And don't spend too much too soon.

By the way, if you play the horses as well as lotto, you'll be very interested in this guaranteed betting system I found. Just $15 can make you $157.28.

One punter made $543.00 from $25:

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

She Could Have Won Second Division!

This is the second day I've had the tummy bug. Don't know how I got it, since I'm fastidiously clean with everything I do. But sometimes bugs happen.

So this morning I've crawled out of bed to my computer in my downstairs office, to tap out this newsletter to you.

And you know the best part?

I didn't have to ring anybody to tell them I was sick and couldn't come in to work. I can finish my work here in a few minutes, and hop back to my warm bed.

If you haven't had that experience, trust me... it's a major benefit in your life.

So if you want to be in my position (without the bug of course!), it's pretty simple. You need to get enough winnings to quit your day job.

Fortunately it's a simple thing to do. All you need is a little bit of patience and application. As you know, I don't guarantee a winning of any kind. But the number of people with frequent winnings using my system amaze me.

Take particular note of the last paragraph from Vanessa's testimony:

I have tried a few different so called “Winning Lottery Systems” over the years and they have all been pretty useless. I was nearly convinced that an Real Winning System did not exist, but while skimming through all of the rubbish websites I was surprized to find one site that offers an honest system that really works. I am not just saying that, I am speaking from personal experience and I can vouch that not only does the system work, it is extremely user friendly to follow and apply.
It is not a complicated software system, it is merely a 51 page PDF manual designed for nearly any Lottery game in the world provided it has 5-7 balls and up to 69 numbers.
Even though I was impressed with the site, I was still sceptical about buying one of these types of winning systems. So, before purchasing, I made extremely sure that the merchant was reputable and that a moneyback guarantee was easy to achieve. Relieved, that not only did the site owners payments get processed by, (a BBB-certified online distribution center for over 10,000 digital products and services that are delivered entirely over the Internet. I also found the System to be very affordable at $39.95. Plus, the seller was offering a whole years triple moneyback guarantee, that I knew would be honored by Clickbank.
This made me stop and think for a moment, that the system must really work!! How else would the seller be able to offer such a guarantee, he would go broke in no time if he was a fraud! As I researched further, I found out that the system had been operating for over 14 years with a re-fund rate of 2%!
It was then that I decided to bite the bullet and purchase it not expecting anything, I think I was more anxious to prove it wrong. After buying the system, I was very impressed with the support that the site owner offered and found the system to be extremely simple to follow. (I took me about an hour and a half to read and familiarize and about another half and hour to prepare and put into action). The system was so easy to follow and I was able to put in my lucky numbers that night, I even won a minor prize.
Now regretfully, due to my hesitant, skeptical attitude about purchasing the system, I lost out on 2nd division! :( If only I had purchased the a week earlier, I would have won Second Division in a Saturday Lottery game, that is the honest sad truth!

Vanessa Foxworth

All it takes is one sizable winning to quit your bosses and debt... to have the freedom to do whatever you want at any time.

(Even to be sick).

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

How To Play Lotto For Free!

Got another email this morning from a reader about some lottery winning advice she's received out of the blue. The message says she has won a large amount of money, and asked for a "processing fee" to claim it.

I told her - don't do it.

Alarm bells should go off in everyone's head at this information, but some people are confused by the official looking correspondence.

These emails are part of a flood of bogus hoaxes. Like the ongoing chain emails still going round, I can't believe that anyone could fall for them, but apparently they do.

The rest of the email asks you to send personal details to confirm and "file the claim." If you do, their reply email usually asks you to send anything from $20 to a larger amount as a processing fee to get the win sent to you.

Again, don't do it, of course. You won't see your money again - or any winnings either.

And don't reply either. Just biff it.

But don't get discouraged... there is a way to play lotto for nothing AND get that guaranteed payout. Researcher Andrew Allemann gives you the solution in his revealing manual: "Free Lotteries Guide" at my website:

This low-cost manual opens your door of knowledge to online free lotteries. It tells how you can find the best games to play--and warns you against others you shouldn't touch.

And I personally endorse it as the best around. I have been selling his manual for nearly 2 years, and Andrew updates it regularly for free, so you'll have no problems with its authenticity. (And Andrew is a real nice guy too, if you needed to know!)

Monday, December 04, 2006

That Pesky Elusive 7th Number

If you play a game which uses 7 balls, you'll notice the Honest Lotto System caters mainly for 6 balls... (unless you have bought a Custom Profile which has the 7th column already completed for you.

But you can play a 7 ball game, no problem.

My instructions at tell you how to add your own column. For either a 6 ball or 7th ball game this last column in each Profile is the one you use for any supplementary number like the Bonus Ball.

There's a reason I haven't given more detail on a 7th ball game in the manual instructions...

Simply - the winning odds are too high. You should really only play 5 or 6 ball games to get a better chance... the lower the number of balls and numbers the better your winning chances.

I know playing lower number games won't give you the high payout of the $100 millions range, but your chances of getting any winnings with the lower numbers are increased with my system.

Sunday, December 03, 2006

My Play Line System Explained

Some people wonder how to choose the right combination of Profile lines for each game. The Honest Lotto System Manual tells you in detail - but I'll explain it again.

The answer is simple:

1. Decide how many Profile lines you can afford. Let's say you have decided to play 10 Honest Lotto System lines in one game. That's the equivalent of 30 lines on your lotto game coupon ticket.

2. Count down each Profile line FROM THE TOP until you've reached the 10th line.

3. Play those by entering the lines - each has 3 coupon lines - into your ticket or coupon.

4. Play these same lines for each game thereafter. If you only want to play 15 lines, then use the top 5 lines of your Honest Lotto System Profile.

The main point is this:

Always play lines starting from the top down, and always use the same lines each time you play.

Then maybe you'll get lucky, like B. Thomas here:
Hi Ken,

I've read your testimonies before I bought
your system, but I never thought in a m-illion
years I would be in one of them!!! You guessed
it- I won bigtime.
Last week I got $12,600 in two prizes using
your honest system and Im living proof it
Keep up the good work friend...
B. Thomas (name and email supplied)

Saturday, December 02, 2006

I Grabbed The Top-Seller For You.

I grabbed the top-selling income program from my database (next to my lotto system) over the last 2 months, and here it is.

Do you need to ask why it's at the top? - because it works!

You've gotta see it HERE

Friday, December 01, 2006

Are You Winning?

Last post I talked about how winners in life set strong goals and stick to them.

OK, let's talk about lotto and you...

c) Decide how much you can spend on tickets.
Lotto tickets are your passport to a personal fortune. When you buy them using my Honest Lotto, this system puts you up near the top of the winning queue.

But - as I tell you often, in this blog and also on my website - using my system won't guarantee you a winning. It just brings it closer for you. Yep, you still need to buy more than the 1 or 2 weekly tickets you have been comfortable with in the past.

d) Buy more.
In the Honest Lotto System instructions, I mention you need to buy more lines/tickets. In fact, you should stop buying the small ticket amounts, and wait until you can afford to use as much of the complete Honest Lotto System as possible.

Work out how much you can afford without missing out on bill payments, food, savings and buying fun things. If you are planning to be a committed player, make your ticket amount as high as possible. Only in this way can you get the maximum chances from your purchase.

Yes, winning is possible with just a few $1 tickets using my system. But the more you play, the greater the chance you'll get winnings. Just like anything else.

e) Set a regular play time with a deadline.
Decide how long you are going to play at the level you've chosen. For example, before buying the Honest Lotto System you might have been a 5 line player each week.

With the Honest Lotto System, you might decide to play 50 lines each month. You calculate your lotto prices and your play budget, and figure you are able to spend this amount each month for a whole year. So build that time period into your goal setting.

In between your large plays, take a couple of lines using the Honest Lotto System, just to keep your enthusiasm up.

f) Double-check your Profile numbers.
Occasionally some buyers send me their Honest Lottos numbers to look at, just to see if they've set them out correctly. It's a freee service I give.

Reassuringly, I find 99 people out of 100 have done it correctly. My system is easy enough to get right first time. But before you do send me your numbers, just read the manual again to double-check them.

g) Bounce back and try again.
You may go for a few weeks without winning a dime. Or you may get small amounts - but not enough to satisfy you. You may wonder whether my system works, or whether you should just forget lotto altogether.

The answer is simple.

Look at your plan again. Stick to it. My 80% winning experience sets the standard - you just follow the plan. Increase your ticket investment.

Persist, persist, persist!

Thursday, November 30, 2006

How To Achieve Your Winning Goals

Winners in life set strong goals and stick to them. Did you know that?

It's a fact. I'm living proof. Every goal I've set in my life, I've achieved - and often succeeded very much quicker than my original goal plan time.

That's the power of selective focus that goal setting brings.

But how do you set a goal for winning lotto?

Well, you can do what the partners in a British window glazing company did in the early days of the British national lottery. They simply kept putting in the profits from their business into the weekly game. Thousands of pounds. Even in today's currency, it was a huge amount.

But it paid off.

After investing a large amount of money without even a glimpse of a winning, their effort succeeded after a nail-biting three months. They won the Big Prize - several million pounds.

I'm not suggesting you spend up large in the same way. After all, these guys may have not won a penny, and their investment would have been wasted. It was only luck that finally came their way as a reward for their persistence.

But you can do certain things to ensure you meet your goals and improve your winning chances too. Here's how:

a) Write down your goal.
Everyone enjoys doing this. Put down on paper the things you intend to buy with your winnings. Don't leave anything out... whether you just want to help your family out with a house, or buy a new car, get rid of your debts for good, wave your boss goodbye, donate to your local church, start a business... write it all down.

Review it often, especially before you buy your tickets. It will give you encouragement when the pickings get slim.

b) Be realistic with your dreams.
Here's a little story: On an overseas trip recently, en route from Tokyo, I sat next to a Japanese gentlemen in business class (I love where those accumulated Air Points get me!)

After our introductions we got on to our love of good cars. I'm a car nut, so it wasn't too long before I brought the subject up. He mentioned he owned a late model Ferrari Testarossa. I was immediately envious, but the feeling didn't last long. Because he started talking about what was going wrong with his beautiful automobile after only 7,000kms of driving.

The costs were staggering - $20,000 to replace the starter motor for example! He went on about other repairs that simply were too expensive for the ordinary guy to imagine, and I was put off Ferraris forever.

You see, when you buy those exotic items, they come with an additional price. A massive McMansion needs hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of new furniture to fill it, and maybe staff to run it. An exotic car or jet needs ongoing and expensive maintenance.

So while these toys are great to dream about, the ongoing costs afterward will eat up your fortune quicker than a gopher on a golf course.

And you can't really drive through McDonalds in a Mercedes Maybach, like American comedian and car buff Jay Leno famously did a while back. Not all dreams are practical.

Pitch your ambitions high, but think a bit further ahead and tailor your purchases with common sense.

More on this topic tomorrow, including some play recommendations!

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

No Kidding...We're No.1

If you've ever doubted the popularity of my Honest lotto System, stop wondering. We've been in number 1 position in many fields over the years. Here's a couple you can look at right now:

ClickBank: There are over 11,000 merchants with ClickBank. If you go to their web site:, click on "Buy Products" and enter "lotto" you'll see we are in the first position.

Google's Blogger: When I last looked yesterday we were the number one entry. Just go to and enter "lotto" in the Search Blogs searchbox.

What does this mean? Am I clever with search engine tactics? No. Did I pay to get to these positions? No.

These and many other top positions are based on customer satisfaction and sales. That's all... but it's the best testimony anyone can have.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

How To Avoid The Lotto Loser Mentality

Honest Lotto System winners are a special bunch. They've had the grit and determination to keep going through a losing streak long after others have given up.

This alone makes the difference.

Some Honest Lotto System players have won moderately big amounts, like the $11,000 and $25,000 winners in my recent newsletters.

But I also get lots of emails each week with wins that are too small to put in my testimonial pages... from $50 up to around $1,000. As small as these wins are, they are still proof that my system is working 8/10 times for these lucky people.

Like Monica last week:
I am just letting you know that I finally
get around to start using your lotto system,
and for the two times I did used it won
$40.00 and the second time I won $50.00, I
am amaize so I will keep on playing until I
hit the big which is what I am waiting and
hoping for and I know your system will, it's
the best system I have used, I 'LL LET YOU
when the big fish is caught by your lotto hook
monica (name and address supplied).

(Have you got a winning story also? Be sure and email me with your details - I enjoy reading them and sharing with our readers too. And I won't release your name or email address either).

I also get a few emails each week from others who are not so lucky. They moan that they've "lost" x dollars.

But these losers haven't realized that they don't "lose" their investment. A lotto ticket is just an admission ticket that has to be paid for. Without it, you won't get a cent. We're not investing in blue chip stocks or property. Acknowledge the difference!

Winners are a different breed.

They have long realized that there is a price to pay for everything. Just like home owners who are willing to pay more for a beachfront property than an identical house elsewhere, successful lotto players know that they have to pay an entry fee to get in the game.

This fee is the cost of the tickets. Without these pieces of paper, nothing happens.

Yet losers still think that every cent spent has to bring a winning number. It doesn't of course - it's just an entry fee. And you have to pay it, even if your numbers don't come up this time. They may ka-ching for you next week!

Monday, November 27, 2006

Does Money Buy You Happiness?

I'm personal proof that money does indeed bring you happiness. (Yep - I'm always cheerful!) So you'll be as interested as I was in this article I came across just now:

AP Science Writer Sun Nov 26
NEW YORK - Does money buy happiness? It's sometimes said that scientists have found no relationship between money and happiness, but that's a myth, says University of Illinois psychologist Ed Diener.

The connection is complex, he says. But in fact, very rich people rate substantially higher in satisfaction with life than very poor people do, even within wealthy nations, he says.

"There is overwhelming evidence that money buys happiness," said economist Andrew Oswald of the University of Warwick in England. The main debate, he said, is how strong the effect is.

Oswald recently reported a study of Britons who won between $2,000 and $250,000 in a lottery. As a group, they showed a boost in happiness... compared to their levels two years before they won.

Obvious, isn't it?

Friday, November 24, 2006

I'm Going To Spill My Secret For The First Time...

I've been buying stuff online for many years - and getting substantial discounts from much of it. Books, software, household items... I've bought a lot, and saved a bunch of cash.

All this time I've been keeping my method a secret. But now I've discovered someone else has written a small manual on how to do it.

The answer is simple and effective.

So since it's coming up to Christmas - and it's possible for anyone to get up to 75% discount on some items by using this simple technique, I think it's time to be generous.

Take a look here.

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Xmas Gets Me Riled Up!

Because many newsletters are just not getting through these days, I've decided to place my Lotto-Tips newsletter here on my blog, and let subscribers know by separate email when they're available. And to prevent a whole bunch of reminders cluttering up their Inbox, they'll only get one reminder each week, short and sweet.

What did you think of my cool little searchbox at It's where you put in a topic or product you're interested in, and get back a selection of popular ebooks that are just right for you. A million times better than Google!


Xmas annoys me.

Holidays give me the creeps.

Travel gets me riled up.

Want to know why?

Because I love my work. And anything that takes me away from improving and tweaking my lotto system gets me steamed up... even Xmas Day - though I love seeing our family all together and wouldn't miss this time for the world.

Some might call me a workaholic, but I don't agree. When you're doing what you enjoy, you don't need holidays, or time out. Nor do you suffer from stress.

What about you? Do you enjoy the luxury of enjoying your work, and get resentful when anything takes you away from it? If so, like me, you're lucky. But I'm guessing you're like most folk on this planet, and you wake up each day to work you hate, bosses you don't respect, and a poor wage for your efforts.

That's where my system helps you.

Imagine a world where you didn't have to worry about finance. Where you could be as generous as you want to friends and family, and without being fearful that the dollars will run out.

It normally takes decades of work and a clever brain to achieve that happy state.

So, if you're like me, who doesn't have the luxury of time (I'm closing on 60 in a few years), or a genius brain (mine barely scrapes past the minimum IQ when I'm trying to figure out our fancy can opener!), then you're going to need to speed up your chances.

The best way to do that is with lotto.

Not the old way...taking a chance each week with a handful of quick-pick lines that cost you $3.

But with a strategy, a plan.

Doing this means you need less good luck to achieve a win.

That's what I'm giving you with the Honest Lotto System. A strategy to accelerate your wealth in as short a time as possible. That's what I work for... plotting long into the night and during the day when the sun beams down and I should be out mowing the lawn or having fun at the beach.

But for you to benefit from my system, you must obey my instructions to the letter.

Many folk think they can win using 5 tickets a week, and hope for success with a tiny drip of a few dollars.

It doesn't work that way. Same with everything... the more you play and pay, the better your chances.

But there is a twist with the Honest Lotto System, and it's this.

If you can't afford a lot of tickets, even a few dollars will help your chances a lot. The strength of my system means that every dollar you spend on a ticket is working thousands of times harder for you than with any other method I know.

It's the reason why the Honest Lotto System is probably the world's top selling lotto system.

And why I work so hard.

This email says it all:

I ordered your program about 3 months ago, I've played the lottery for over 15 years, mostly Quick Picks, I also utilized Ms. Gail Howard's system some years back. I ordered your system and didn't use it, until last week, for the first time, mostly because I thought the system would not work. Last week, I put it to the test, the Florida Lotto had rolled-over to 50 million, we didn't winn anything, one of the players in our pool told me to run the numbers again for the next game, the lottery was at 60 Million, I decided to play Quick Picks instead, what a foolish idea. My friend, who I left the copy of your system at her house, who also helped me calculate the numbers in your system, called me yesterday, Thanksgiving day, screaming I had 5 numbers in the system that paid $5,000.00. I informed her that I didn't play the numbers, even though I had planned to play them for myself, instead, I left the numbers in my office.
I just wanted to let you know, I am convinced your system works, I am positive I will be writing you again with good news.
Tampa, Florida

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

My New "X" Will Blow You Away!

Imagine going to a webpage showing a simple searchbox (and many pictures of my face too, by the way!)

Suppose you simply type in any topic into the searchbox that interests you. Could be anything... dating, dogs, weddings, cars, music, weightloss - anything you need information on right away.

Instantly you get a list of ebooks or software products available for that subject, rated by popularity. Underneath each is a helpful 2-line description.

You click on any link and are taken straight to the product's website.

OK, that's pretty cool.

I've called this searchbox Ken's X... the X for the unknown, and because it's so simple to use!

Wait - There's More...

So what's the difference between an ordinary search engine and my "X" searchbox?

Here's where it gets interesting...

With my "X" searchbox you get only "how-to" ebooks on the subject you want... not thousands of related topics, messages and promotions scattered on millions of blogs and websites.

Let me explain:

Do this little test... enter a popular search term like "dating" and you'll see my "X" searchbox returns 43 products.

Then do the same thing on any search engine, and try and sort out the best dating information. Impossible. You can't. For example, there are 64 million dating topics on Google!

Where do you start? How will you find the right one? You can't even trust review sites these days, because they are often biased reports written by disguised affiliates.

The secret is in the list.

My list comes solely from products at ClickBank, one of the largest merchant and marketplaces on the net. They have 11,400+ products on all sorts of subjects, growing at around 40 a week. My "X" searchbox accesses them all, and best of all you are completely safe buying from any of the merchants there.

Here's another trick...

Say you can't remember a website address I had mentioned once in one of my newsletters. But you remember the topic. Let's just say it was about making cash at home by answering surveys. Enter "survey" and right at the top of the list of 33 is the website I recommended.

Or maybe you remember something about a "jerk." Up comes 9 matches, and from the brief description on the list you discover the Rich Jerk website sitting at position number 3.

Isn't that great? Finally, an easy and effective info-listing system that really works - like magic.

You get to my "X" website anytime by typing Ken's X in your browser and pressing Enter.

(Don't even worry about capitals... kensx will get you there too!)

It's the best search box I've ever used. That's because nobody pays to dominate the top positions, unlike the other search engines. No-one can trick or manipulate the results either. And nobody asks for your email address... they don't record your IP number... there are no ads... and it's completely free.

What more could you want?

Try out your favourite topic now:

Friday, November 17, 2006

This Is A Real Mystery!

I stumbled on this website while looking for something else, and was fascinated...

Imagine being PAID to shop, eat at restaurants, watch a movie, play golf or drive a car!

Take a look at it here.

(You also get a free bonus on getting paid for taking online surveys. Amazing!)

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Remember The Rich Jerk?

Remember I recommended the Rich Jerk a while back, and many of you bought his ebook? It was a top seller, and the feedback was fantastic.

It was - and still is an excellent collection of ways to build and increase your income on the net.

But his new ebook I've just bought is completely different, and far better...

... because it sets out, step-by-step, how you can make a great living:

- without a website,
- without domains,
- without mailing lists
- or any of the complex stuff that trips up most beginners.

If you're an Honest lotto System affiliate - or intend to be one - this ebook is a must-have. But you can also use his program with other products too, to grow your income stream fortune automatically.

Best of all, you could start earning 15 minutes after you put the program into action.

All you need is a computer, internet connection (easy so far, huh?) and a creditcard.

PS. He guarantees: "Anything I recommend in this course is ironclad in its ability to earn you a great deal of money."

PPS. No-one knows if it is the Rich Jerk - he won't admit it on his site. But I've got a fair idea it is.

I give it top marks. Here's the link:

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

This Is The Moment You've Been Waiting For!

This is the news which many of you have been waiting for.

>>> My Honest lotto System is now also available as a printed manual!

Yes, the lotto manual comes to you as a permanent, printed book. Easy to read, hard to lose! So now you have a choice to buy it either as a digital ebook - or a printed book sent by speedy air mail to your letterbox.

You can pay by credit card, or by many other ways including mail - on my Honest Lotto System website.


Sometimes you need just one thing to change your lotto life.

One new inspiring thought can be the catalyst to bounce you off in a new direction.

Some people think that they have to be told to change their lives, but that doesn't make for permanent change. It has to come from within.. Through inspiration.

Read Phil's inspirational journey, compressed to just a few lines:

I bought your system a couple of years ago
[clickbank order number...xxxxxx] old e-mail
add,. Since then computer crashed ,new
computer,changed internet carriers, etc,etc.
Anyway still kept trying the system and 2 weeks
ago won 2nd division powerball $100,000.00....
Be good to hear back from ya
Thanks Phil F.
(All testimonies are genuine, un-solicited and unedited).

Winning is all about patience and persistence, setting goals and bouncing back from defeat... all essential ways of succeeding in the exciting game of lotto.

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Do You Have These 6 Success Traits?

Have a laugh at this:

1. Good-looking.
2. Tall.
3. Perfect weight.
4. Tanned skin.
5. 20/20 vision.
6. Full head of hair.

Does this describe you?

I doubt it. Only a tiny fraction of a percent of the total world's population possess these qualities.

Yet we are all told - through advertising and success stories - that these attributes will help you make money, live better, gain more friends and lead a happier life.

So a little while back I started searching for these qualities in successful people that I knew.

Guess what?

Not one of them had all attributes. In fact, not one of them had even more than one or two.

The qualities they did possess however, were largely mental.

Buy this, I mean their attitude of positivity.

Now, you don't always have to be positive to make a difference... it won't work for you when you want the winning lotto numbers. Because that depends on a tiny bit of luck, and the help of a good system like mine.

Let me tell you, apart from kidding myself that I'm good-looking :-) - I don't possess any of the success qualities in the list either. Not a dang one of them.

There were a number of years when I got quite depressed about the relationship between success and perfection. But as the years drew on, I'd began to discover that I actually possessed the single most important success factor.

If you read my past newsletters, you'll know exactly what I'm talking about:


And I can tell you this trait also appears in all successful people.

You might think that winning lotto is just a case of buying a system and giving it a go for a while.

Yes, this may work for some people like Bobby:
Hey Ken,
Great system, thanks! I've already won a little of
$2,000 Canadian with your Honest Lotto System on
Super 7... Thanks again!
Bobby U.

But the rest of us have to plod on, taking tickets each week... rejoicing in the small successes like Ron here:
i won on 6/49 couple weeks ago 4/6 and won again 5/6
for $5136.00 in three weeks have had your program for
two years but haven't stopped winning from 10$ to 20$
to $82.50 and so on.
all the best and good luck to all
Just believe
ron mc.

... until the time arrives when our persistence pays off in a big way.

I've often told the story about the group of window installers in Britain when the first lottery was introduced. Every week for some months they simply just put all the profits from the business into lotto tickets. (Not something I recommend!). But eventually they won, and won the Big One.

Here's another prime example of how persistence pays off.

Both my daughters are attractive, vivacious women, and they seem to have many of the 6 "success" factors in the list above.

But their real success over the past year has been nothing to do with physical looks. One daughter has taken up marathon running, and her determination and persistence has kept her going for the last year.

My other daughter gave up that terrible habit of smoking, and has thankfully continued abstaining with incredible persistence. They are both very successful in their chosen areas because of their traits.

How do you gain persistence for winning lotto?

I'll give you some secrets in the next post!

"Nothing can add more power to your life than
concentrating all your energies on a limited
set of targets."
-Nido Qubein

Saturday, November 04, 2006

Plink, Plunk, Blat!

It's all over... today's giant Powerball $93 million jackpot has been won.

And guess by who?

Yes... a syndicate of 9 from Arizona! If this wasn't the ultimate proof that a pool of players is one of the best ways to win lotto, then I'll eat my hat.

My own syndicate - the Winner's Circle - has won modest prizes so far, but the exciting news is that I win a prize in every draw I make for the syndicate. That's a 100% success rate. It's only a matter of time before a Big One comes our way.

And of course the best thing is that the Winner's Circle is incredibly cheap to enter. For the price of 14 lines, you get an amazing 4,200 lines. My Winner's Circle system hugely increases your odds:


Want to know how I win prizes in so many lotto games? And how you can too? Let me tell you a story...

About three months ago I took up playing the guitar (pictured here) again, after a 20 year break.

The first few days were horrible. My fingers ached, my hands ached, My neck ached from looking at the fretboard. Even my ribs ached where the top of the guitar rested against me.

And the tune selection... that was truly the worst part.

Back in the good old days I had a repertoire of about 30 instrumental songs, both classical and modern. But now I struggled to remember even half a dozen.

Yes, it was plink, plunk, blat for much of the next couple of weeks.

Then, slowly - surprisingly, it all started to come together. While I didn't remember any more songs, I improved the ones I knew.

After a while I started learning some new tunes, courtesy of an Australian guitar virtuoso named Tommy Emmanuel. Day after day I practiced - for up to two hours a time. And gradually, week after week, I started to see improvements everywhere. My aches gradually disappeared too.

Now I have another four fairly complex songs under my belt, and if I say so myself they're pretty good. Maybe when I have ironed out all the mistakes, I'll do a performance on

Are you with me still? I'm talking about why I - and others I know - win so many prizes in lotto.

And you've probably guessed how by now... I'm very, very persistent.

Because persistence always wins through. Even while my fingers hurt and my brain spun with the new musical input I forced into my system, I still continued against all the odds.

Of all the traits that I consider essential in this life, persistence has got to be tops. I play lotto like my guitar... often - and without a break.

Too many lotto players strive for a few weeks, and then give up forever. They're toast. Only losers take that course.

You must keep going until, like me, you have a stream of successful w1ns from your efforts - and like Roger:
Hi Ken,
I bought you system...
it took awhile for the winning to show up.
but for the last month I have not bought any tickets from my pocket.
Each draw on Super 7; I w!n $10, $20 $300 + many freee tickets.
With the winning I buy more tickets.
You system works.
Roger M.
Dawson City, Yukon, Canada

It won’t happen overnight - but it WILL happen!

PS. I've given you 2 things to think about in this newsletter. You need to invest in my Winner's Circle, and my Honest lotto System to make them happen for you. Do it straight away because I'm making some big changes shortly, and I can't promise they will stay at the same stupidly-low price!

Friday, November 03, 2006

His Aston Martin Was My Trigger!

Here's a tip if you are a Canadian lotto player - this long-running website gives you results - within minutes of the live finish - for all Canadian games. Bookmark this site:


Isn't it funny how some particular events trigger you to do something?

In my case, I'm talking about an ebook I bought yesterday on making an internet fortune... all because of a fancy car.

As I've said to you many times before, I'm a car nut. I love exotic automobiles, and with the help of lotto I have a couple in my garage.

So when I saw this old guy had bought an Aston Martin DB9 from his profits on the internet, my ears pricked up (I saw it here). That's him in the photo.

For those of you who don't follow the exotic supercar market, this particular model is one of the most desired sports car in the world. It's on my wishlist. And it's expensive.

So he must be making a good deal of money. As it turned out, in one week he had made $36,000... almost better than lotto!

But it was his car that made me click on the "buy Now" button. After all, I reasoned that a person with such good taste would also have something good to say. And I was right. It's an amazing way for anyone to make money off the internet without a website or very much skill. I learnt a lot.

I'm getting off the subject a little.

What I really wanted to talk about was how different forms of triggers get you started - and then keep you going at lotto.

You need something to trigger you to buy the right system, then trigger you to keep you going.

In this old guy's case, for me - it was his Aston Martin.

For you, it could be seeing the hundreds of testimonies from my system's lotto winners that helps you to make the buying decision. That's your first trigger.

Then you need the persistence and patience to keep going until you eventually make that top winning slot.

So re-reading the testimonies is a great idea to keep you enthused. Take a look at my Honest Lotto System page again, especially down the bottom where there are dozens more.

Then take a look at this old guy's website to find out how you can earn a vast amount too, and then maybe buy one of the best cars on the planet.

PS. I keep calling him an old guy, but he's really not much older than me. But like most older people, I'm still only 21 inside! And I'm not sure whether you can still get his program at the superlow price. He's only selling 100, then it doubles in price. Since I've sold 19 for him already today - and I'm not the only one recommending it - you gotta be quick!

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Harold Reveals All!

"Most of the important things in the world have been
accomplished by people who have kept on trying."
- Dale Carnegie

You Need This Book:
Here's something quite exciting that I must tell you about right this moment, because I've made a special time-limited discount deal with the author (pictured). And time's running out...

A year ago I told you to look out for a unique ebook which tells you - among other things:
- ways to pay off all your debts, including...
- your mortgage,
- car payments,
- creditcards.
And the more debts the better - no matter how large!

Over 60 of you bought the book from me alone - thousands of others bought too - and there's many testimonies from happy buyers on the website. There's some amazing success stories there. I've got the book myself, and it's all that the author promises.

You gotta buy it! But you must move fast - it's a great half-price birthday offer only for Lotto-Tips subscribers (sign up at the sidebar), and the offer finishes 10 November... just a few days away. Take a look: Oh, and there's 7 extra bonuses with it too.

Powerball Madness!
Would you believe it...Powerball has rocketed to $93 million! If you haven't grabbed my PowerSpread System, you should do it quick and get in before Saturday's draw:

Harold Reveals All
Here's an unusual email from Harold in UK. He makes the surprising statement that he wins 99% of the time with my system, but because they are all "small" wins, he won’t be buying it anytime soon.

Well, does Harold realise exactly what my system promises? I think not.

Because I never ever promise big wins, even though quite a few of my Silverites (system buyers) get large windfalls. That comes with luck and persistence. The fact that Harold gets many (99%) wins is proof that the Honest Lotto System works.

Just keep persisting and let luck take its course.

This email from Harold is one of the many confirmations I get each week about my system's success. Read it for yourself:

Hi Ken
Let me start off by letting you know that, like yourself I am no spring chicken. I am well into my 70s. However unlike you I do not have a lot of money. I am in fact what they call an Old Age Pensioner over here.
Quite a few years ago I decided to take up computing and to put it bluntly I was hooked. At the time I was in a lottery syndicate ( be it a very small one) so I decided to write a computer programme to how our numbers got on. My programme has grown a bit since then and is n.ow available on the net at and its freee. I am telling you all this because I used my programme to evaluate your system as it is a simple matter to check previous draws.

I don't know whether you are familiar with the UK Lottery or not. It is drawn twice a week and the main one is LOTTO. It costs a £1 per entry and if you get 3 numbers up you get £10, if you get 4 number it can be anything between £30 and £90 depending on how many winners there are. There is no way that I could afford to put on £120, but to evaluate your system I put all 120 entries to my programme and went back and checked at least 60 past draws.(I did this quite a few times using different combinations of numbers)... Yes your system did winn approximately 99% of the time but mostly £10 with the occasional 4 numbers coming I am afraid your system is not for me.

However Ken I will keep trying and I am working on a system of my own.

Winning is all about patience and persistence, setting goals and bouncing back from defeat... all essential ways of succeeding in the exciting game of lotto!

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

She Laughed When I Picked Up The Phone...

"Dreams are extremely important. You can’t do it unless you imagine it."
- George Lucas

My wife and I will be celebrating our first year in our new home next month. When the anniversary date popped up on my screen this morning, it brought back a lot of memories.

I had been planning for this house for a long time - without knowing about it.

Let me explain...

We replaced our TV a couple of years ago, and back then I insisted on the largest screen I could possibly buy. I wasn't sure why. It looked ridiculously large in our small lounge. It overpowered the room. We were embarrassed when visitors came, even though they enjoyed the wow factor.

I bought a PABX phone system, just like the one that small businesses have - even though we could shout from any part of our small house and be heard.

But this was my dream. I was preparing for the next house... a house I imagined would be so big that all these over-the-top items I had bought in advance would be essential.

So on the 1st of December last year we shifted into just that house.

The TV was dwarfed by the large living room and fitted right in perfectly.

My wife laughed when I picked up the phone and buzzed her in the living room from my home office. Now we find it's an essential way of communicating in this large place.

It was my dream come true.

There were some surprises too. Our lounge suite, for example, was mismatched in style and color to our old home... but was a perfect match in a new one - even down to the cushions which matched the new home décor exactly.

What's this all got to do with Lotto?

Take another look at "Star Wars" producer George Lucas's quote at the top of this newsletter. It talks about dreams. I prepared for my dream home in the same way I prepare for winning lotto by using a proven system that works - even though I don't know what the outcome will be. Just like my TV and phone system.

And every once in a while, lotto gives me a pleasant surprise... just like the way our lounge furniture fitted in so well.

So the answer is quite simple really...

1. Prepare for your winning success with a powerful dream. Pull out all the stops... you can have everything you want if you just imagine it in advance.

2. Prepare for that success by using a successful system, and you may get a surprise, like Trevour:

Hi Ken,
I finally broke down and bought your book...still thinking it was a big scam, but curiosity got the better of me. all This week, we won $455.50 in Lottario on the Early Bird draw. I know it doesn’t sound like much, but it’s more than we’ve ever won before (with other systems). Our total winnings over the last 2 weeks have been $485.50...!

I have great confidence in your system and have a very strong déjà vu about the whole thing. I understand the concept of ‘buying into the game’ and the other strategies you’ve provided. Your system is ultimately ‘logical' - well, as logical as the laws of random can possibly be.

Thanks, Ken! I’m off to collect my winnings...
Trevour in Ottawa

Psst - Powerball has shot to $93 million! If you haven't grabbed my PowerSpread System, you should do it N-O-W and get in before Saturday's draw.

PS. Winning is all about patience and persistence, setting goals and bouncing back from defeat... all essential ways of succeeding in the exciting game of lotto. Buy all of the winning tools on the right-hand menu today, and hugely increase your chances of success.

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Big Changes Over Here!

"Perseverance is not a long race; it is many short races one after another."
- Walter Elliott

We're brimming with new ideas this post. Are you on the edge of your seat in anticipation?

First, the increasing amount of spam and email non-delivery means I've had to change my support system. Fortunately, it's going to make things a lot easier for both you and me. There is no email address to contact me any longer. Your questions should now all go through
The best thing is that most of your queries can be answered instantly. No more delays!

Secondly, Powerball has shot to $93 million! If you haven't grabbed my PowerSpread System, you should do it N-O-W and get in before Wednesday's draw.

Thirdly, did you notice the new Quote above? I'll be putting one of these in every post to motivate and encourage you.

Winning is all about patience and persistence, setting goals and bouncing back from defeat... all essential ways of succeeding in the exciting game of lotto. Most winners make their own luck, and it's the aim of my newsletter - and the quotes - to show you how... in the quickest way possible.

Thursday, October 26, 2006

What's Your No-Go Point?

Over a couple of decades ago, I found myself sitting on an uncomfortable canvas seat in noisy semi-darkness, hemmed in by large containers held securely with canvas straps. In the gloom I could make out the faces of several others, asleep in their seats.

I was on a Hercules air force aircraft, bound for the Antarctic. Outside the windows was an eerie twilight. Unusual cloud formations whisked past underneath.

We had been flying for many hours, and I twisted and turned in my unyielding seat, trying to get some shuteye. Then, out of the darkness a finger beckoned. I had been invited to visit the cockpit.

Up the ladder I climbed, into the small room festooned with dimly lit instruments and colored flashing lights. The pilots nodded at me and the navigator beckoned me to sit down on a fold down seat beside him. He had just finished his work for this part of the trip, and explained what he was doing.

At this moment he had just finished calculating their fuel requirements for the no-go point.

This no-go point was a crucial part of the flight... once we passed it, he said, we could not return to base on the fuel we had. We would have to continue on, regardless of weather, engine failure or anything else too scary to contemplate.

Most of us have a no-go point of some kind... where, if we continue we can't turn back.

So my point is simple...

I know you want to win lotto. You are as enthusiastic about it as I am.

But it's important that you Don't Overspend. (In capitals to emphasis my point!)

I occasionally get emails from Silverites (buyers of my system), asking how much they have to spend in order to win lotto.

There is no such thing. You can spend as little as $10 a week with my system, and still have an excellent chance of winning. Or you might have to spend more to see results.

But what I want you to avoid is spending a vast amount of money that will take you beyond that no-go point. Spend sensibly. Use as many resources as possible to bring your risk down. Trade intelligent thinking for money... and make your funds go further.

I'm talking about these products that will help you: Lotto-80, Winner's Circle, and if you want to make money instead of spending it - my Lotto Mini-Website.

If you have very little money to play each week, save it up - don't spend it - then put it all down on one game after a month. Your odds will be vastly improved that way.

If you think you're spending too much without result, you can send your Profiles to me (just the top line of all three Profiles) and I'll check them for you at no charge. That's part of my policy to keep your no-go point as low as possible.

So, did I survive my own no-go point to visit the Antarctic? Or did we crash, and I'm writing this to you from a remote island on my solar powered laptop, surviving on dried fish and spring water while waiting for the Coast Guard to arrive?

Hmmm. :-)