Sunday, November 05, 2006

Do You Have These 6 Success Traits?

Have a laugh at this:

1. Good-looking.
2. Tall.
3. Perfect weight.
4. Tanned skin.
5. 20/20 vision.
6. Full head of hair.

Does this describe you?

I doubt it. Only a tiny fraction of a percent of the total world's population possess these qualities.

Yet we are all told - through advertising and success stories - that these attributes will help you make money, live better, gain more friends and lead a happier life.

So a little while back I started searching for these qualities in successful people that I knew.

Guess what?

Not one of them had all attributes. In fact, not one of them had even more than one or two.

The qualities they did possess however, were largely mental.

Buy this, I mean their attitude of positivity.

Now, you don't always have to be positive to make a difference... it won't work for you when you want the winning lotto numbers. Because that depends on a tiny bit of luck, and the help of a good system like mine.

Let me tell you, apart from kidding myself that I'm good-looking :-) - I don't possess any of the success qualities in the list either. Not a dang one of them.

There were a number of years when I got quite depressed about the relationship between success and perfection. But as the years drew on, I'd began to discover that I actually possessed the single most important success factor.

If you read my past newsletters, you'll know exactly what I'm talking about:


And I can tell you this trait also appears in all successful people.

You might think that winning lotto is just a case of buying a system and giving it a go for a while.

Yes, this may work for some people like Bobby:
Hey Ken,
Great system, thanks! I've already won a little of
$2,000 Canadian with your Honest Lotto System on
Super 7... Thanks again!
Bobby U.

But the rest of us have to plod on, taking tickets each week... rejoicing in the small successes like Ron here:
i won on 6/49 couple weeks ago 4/6 and won again 5/6
for $5136.00 in three weeks have had your program for
two years but haven't stopped winning from 10$ to 20$
to $82.50 and so on.
all the best and good luck to all
Just believe
ron mc.

... until the time arrives when our persistence pays off in a big way.

I've often told the story about the group of window installers in Britain when the first lottery was introduced. Every week for some months they simply just put all the profits from the business into lotto tickets. (Not something I recommend!). But eventually they won, and won the Big One.

Here's another prime example of how persistence pays off.

Both my daughters are attractive, vivacious women, and they seem to have many of the 6 "success" factors in the list above.

But their real success over the past year has been nothing to do with physical looks. One daughter has taken up marathon running, and her determination and persistence has kept her going for the last year.

My other daughter gave up that terrible habit of smoking, and has thankfully continued abstaining with incredible persistence. They are both very successful in their chosen areas because of their traits.

How do you gain persistence for winning lotto?

I'll give you some secrets in the next post!

"Nothing can add more power to your life than
concentrating all your energies on a limited
set of targets."
-Nido Qubein