His Aston Martin Was My Trigger!
Here's a tip if you are a Canadian lotto player - this long-running website gives you results - within minutes of the live finish - for all Canadian games. Bookmark this site: http://www.lottolore.comTODAY'S TIP
Isn't it funny how some particular events trigger you to do something?
In my case, I'm talking about an ebook I bought yesterday on making an internet fortune... all because of a fancy car.
As I've said to you many times before, I'm a car nut. I love exotic automobiles, and with the help of lotto I have a couple in my garage.
So when I saw this old guy had bought an Aston Martin DB9 from his profits on the internet, my ears pricked up (I saw it here). That's him in the photo.
For those of you who don't follow the exotic supercar market, this particular model is one of the most desired sports car in the world. It's on my wishlist. And it's expensive.
So he must be making a good deal of money. As it turned out, in one week he had made $36,000... almost better than lotto!
But it was his car that made me click on the "buy Now" button. After all, I reasoned that a person with such good taste would also have something good to say. And I was right. It's an amazing way for anyone to make money off the internet without a website or very much skill. I learnt a lot.
I'm getting off the subject a little.
What I really wanted to talk about was how different forms of triggers get you started - and then keep you going at lotto.
You need something to trigger you to buy the right system, then trigger you to keep you going.
In this old guy's case, for me - it was his Aston Martin.
For you, it could be seeing the hundreds of testimonies from my system's lotto winners that helps you to make the buying decision. That's your first trigger.
Then you need the persistence and patience to keep going until you eventually make that top winning slot.
So re-reading the testimonies is a great idea to keep you enthused. Take a look at my Honest Lotto System page again, especially down the bottom where there are dozens more.
Then take a look at this old guy's website to find out how you can earn a vast amount too, and then maybe buy one of the best cars on the planet.
PS. I keep calling him an old guy, but he's really not much older than me. But like most older people, I'm still only 21 inside! And I'm not sure whether you can still get his program at the superlow price. He's only selling 100, then it doubles in price. Since I've sold 19 for him already today - and I'm not the only one recommending it - you gotta be quick!