Thursday, June 09, 2011

How I Got Gina And Bob Big Savings. But Will It Make Them Lottery Millionaires?


(Continued from last newsletter)...

Bob and Gina settle themselves expectantly on our sofa, coffees in hand.

I take a sip of my green tea and ask them, "Did you get a chance to buy the system?"

Gina digs in her bag and comes out with a sheaf of papers.

"Not only did I buy it," she says, waving them in the air, "but the tickets are filled out too!"

"Great," I say. "What were your impressions about the system generally?"

Bob answers. "Well, I thought it was too cheap." 

He continues, "In my business cheap means low quality."

"OK," I say, surprised, "Never heard that complaint before!"

We all laugh.

I put down my tea. 

"It's simple to explain, really, like this," I explain. "I sell it in US dollars to keep the price down while still giving me a profit."

"Here in this country the US dollar is worth more due to the currency exchange rate. So while it's expensive for us here, it is cheap everywhere else in the world."

Bob interrupts, "Yes, I got a surprise when I saw our price. But everyone else on the planet gets it real cheap - that's a shame for us."

We look at the tickets that Gina is spreading out on the coffee table.

I took a quick look and they seemed to be filled out correctly. 

I congratulate her.

"Oh, it was easy enough," she laughs. "I got Harris to do it!"

Harris is their 12 year-old son.

"He normally hates maths and numbers," said Bob. "But it only took him 20 minutes to fill these out."

They both look really surprised when I tell them that Harris won't be needed again.

This is the only time they need to fill out their tickets, I tell them.

Gina tells me she read about that in the manual, but couldn't understand why.

I explain there is a lot of peculiar strategies in the system that may not seem to make sense at first.

But their paperwork was over forever.

"I like that!" exclaimed Gina.

Then I told them what they need to do is faithfully follow these steps:

1. Play regularly
2. Never miss a game
3. Play as many tickets as they can afford.

Bob interrupted again.

"So how much do we have to spend to get a good result?" he asked. "I'm hanging out for the Big One."

"Sure you are Bob," I lean forward to make my point. "But you can bet if I had a magic guaranteed system I wouldn't be sitting here. I'd be on my private jet to Monaco so quick you wouldn't know it."

Monaco doesn't have an airport of course, they know that. It's a figure of speech.

I went on to explain that no-one can get the main jackpot with any system. 

But mine is the only system that REDUCES the patterns of losing numbers in a big way.

That leaves a tiny pool of numbers that are most likely to win.

Bob and Gina look a bit hesitant at my explanation.

"Wait a minute, this will explain it better," I get up.

I leave to return to my office, and come back a few minutes later with a thick handful of lotto tickets.

"My word," comments Gina. "That's a lot of money you've spent on tickets."

I smile and fan the tickets out like a pack of cards.

"Notice anything?" I ask, looking at their faces as they study the tickets.

"Hey," gasps Gina,"they're all winning tickets! Look Bob, they've all got a stamp on them saying they're winning tickets."

I tell them the lottery machine at my local store automatically prints out these at every win. 

Most stores throw them in the bin, but I've made it a policy to ask for every one back as I play.

Bob leaned closer. "Well I'll be darned," he said. "I've never seen so many winners in one place."

He pointed to one ticket and said, "What's this $7.20... is that the prize? That price seems to be on a lot of them."

"No," I correct him. "That's just the total price to buy a batch of 6 tickets. I can tell you the prizes are a way lot more than that."

They looked at each other, clearly shocked.

"Even though you've won all these, Ken..." Gina says, "They must have cost a lot to buy."

She looked at the number of tickets that Harris had filled out and said, "I don't know that we can afford to play all these."

"Don't get worried, you can play like me on the cheap," I said.

"I'll show you the couple of secrets I promised," I explained. "First I'll tell you a couple of ways to reduce the amount you spend. Do you know what days you should play to get the best results?"

They shake their heads.

"Both these ideas will stop you spending a heap o' money." I grinned. "That means you can spend more on tickets, or save on buying tickets - whichever you want."

My wife appeared and refilled their coffee cups, but I covered my teacup with my hand. 

"No thanks love, it's getting late - I don't want to be going to the bathroom all night."

I turned back to Bob and Gina.

"OK, there are two ways you can reduce your costs," I said. "The first is obvious when you think about it."

I paused for a second.

"Just use your winnings for the next batch of tickets."

I said at best they'll get a bunch of free plays and a lot of profit like Cheryl, a reviewer of my system. 

And at the least they can reduce some of the ticket costs.

So I told them about Cheryl M who had a Silver Lotto System review website, and how her winnings stacked up.

"This may not be typical," I warned. "But it's how you could get some big savings."

Here's what Cheryl wrote on her website after a 3-month test of my system:


Week 1 - spent $40 - won $54
Week 2 - spent $60 - won $232 
(my tickets were free from this point!)
Week 3 - spent $30 - won $128
Week 4 - spent $30 - won $12
Week 5 - spent $30 - won $10
Week 6 - spent $30 - won $46
Week 7 - spent $60 - won $612
Week 8 - spent $20 - won $3,300
Week 9 - spent $30 - won $85
Week 10 - spent $60 - won $5
Week 11 - spent $20 - won $210
Week 12 - spent $60 - won $126

So altogether I had spent $460 
over 3 months, and won $4,120. 

Plus the earlier $186 and I had 
grabbed altogether $4,306.00!

The good part was that after the 
second week I was able to pay 
for my lotto tickets entirely from 
winnings - so it didn't cost me a 
cent after week 2.

"Wow," Said Gina. "It seems so obvious when it's put that way."

I continued on.

"Here's the second part to your strategy to make some serious saving."

I explained I had developed the Lotto-80 System so players can select the right day to play... the day when the highest winning percentage was available.

But if they didn't want to pay the tiny $8 a month for a membership, there was another way - not as accurate - but it probably would give them a 50% increase in winning odds.

And that could give them a BIG drop in the amount they need to spend each week.

Little did I know what effect this strategy I was going to reveal would have on their fortunes...

(Continued next post).

Make Every Play Day a PAY Day!
Ken Silver