Monday, April 19, 2010

There's A Silver Lining To Every Lottery Cloud

This is a follow-on from Sunday's post.

Yesterday's Silver Lotto Site bargain was snapped up within minutes of my Lotto-Tips newsletter going out.

The site is active and starting to attract visitors. It's going to be big for the lucky owner.

However, it meant there were a lot of disappointed hopefuls turned away.

And I didn't have a method to put these potential buyers on a wait list. 

I'm working on that.

But in the meantime there's always a Silver lining to every dark cloud. 

(With a name like mine - wouldn't you know it!)

So zip over to now, and see what I have to offer today for the Canadian lottery.

If you're first in, you're getting a real bargain.

And you don't even have to be a Canadian. Just someone wanting to make some increasing c.ash on a regular basis.

Happy Winning!
Ken Silver