Wednesday, May 20, 2009

The 3 Essential Traits Of Lottery Winners

You may be surprised to know that being a winner in life also qualifies you for winning at lotto.

How do I know this?

(Taps side of nose knowingly)... I've discovered this by being observant.

I've found that winners in any field have certain universal qualities that have made them successful.

It's not good looks.
It's not talent.
It's not money.
It's not hard work.
It's not luck.

Not much left, is there?

Well, yes, there is. 

Fortunately the traits that you and all winners need can be taught.

So all you have to do is follow the path I give you. 

Can't be that hard, can it?

1. They Are Persistent.
"Jeepers Ken, you do keep going on about this trait of persistence an awful lot!" I do... with good reason. Few people have it. But everyone benefits from it. And here's why... when I read or hear about winners in life being successful, I pry a bit behind their success. Always I find they have chosen one field, one item, one skill... and maxed it out over many years. Every one of them has stuck to their knitting. Without fail. If you apply that principle to winning lotto, you can't go far wrong. Keep at it. NEVER give up!

Ken I bought your system a couple of years 
ago... Since then computer crashed , new 
computer, changed internet carriers, etc, 
etc. Anyway still kept trying the system 
and 2 weeks ago won 2nd division powerball 
Phil F.

2. They Are Multiple Tryers.
These winners keep trying, time after time. It's a bit like persistence, but in a different way. You could apply it in your own life by continually playing multiple games each week. Every extra game you play increases your winning chances many times over.

I've won: $400.00, $300.00, $75.00, 
$50.00, $10.00, $5.00, $3.00 not just 
once but many times... I won every 
week for four months on Powerball. 
It was a great feeling...YOUR SYSTEM WORKS.
Thank you
Michael A. (ardo*****

3. They Are Bouncers.
Not the nightclub type. I'm talking about folk who might first lose, but then bounce back again to eventually win. If you read about successful people, you will always find on their climb to the top they fail many times... but always rise above it.

Hi Ken,
I bought your system about two years 
ago, and I have been a constant winner 
since. To date I have won $33,675.00! 
My last win was this past Wednesday 
when I knocked off another $1,370.00!
(name and email supplied)

BONUS TRAIT: They Are Always Positive.

Positive people automatically choose the correct path.  Don't know why, but some element of their chirpy personality always makes them head in the right direction.  It's impossible to lose if you have a positive belief that you will win. This keeps you going when your life is filled with problems.

Oh, another thing... Powerball is up to a staggering $192 Milllion this weekend. 

Use my PowerSpread System (instant download) now to take out the jackpot!:

Happy Winning!
Ken Silver

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