Sunday, November 30, 2008

Here's an interesting thing I read yesterday. 

According to a lotto spokesperson, most lottery winners arrive at work on Monday, ready to go. Then by Wednesday they hand in their notice. 

Every time. 

The spokesperson says they have seen it often enough to establish a pattern. 

In on Monday, out on Wednesday. Just two days to think about it and then acting.

I don’t blame them. Who wants to be stuck in a job they hate just to keep up appearances? Would you even go into work! I wouldn’t.

Think over your life. If you are like most people, you've got a lot of changes to make but you can't because money controls most of them... your job, the house you rent, the 12 year-old car you drive, your friends or family who are struggling.

In this modern world we are controlled by the money we have. And there's only one way to increase it when you're too busy making a living: the Silver Lotto System.

Happy Winning!
Ken Silver

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