Monday, December 01, 2008

5 Hot Tips For Winning Powerball

With the vast amount of prize money available through Powerball in the United States and Australia, you would be crazy not to try it. 

But you need a helping hand because of the huge numbers of players you're competing with.

Here's some hot tips and methods for boosting your play and beating the Powerball crowd:

TIP #1. The USA Powerball jackpot is up to $25 Milllion this Wednesday, and could go higher. The Australian Powerball is $10 Milllion and rising for this Thursday. While these single jackpots are the ultimate prize, they are not the only one you should look at. In the US, 358,825 players won more than $3.5 Milllion last Saturday. My Powerball system gets you winning in both countries:

"Won $100,000.00 On 2nd Division Powerball!"
...2 weeks ago won 2nd division Powerball 
$100,000.00. Thanks..."
Phil F. (pf * * * * *

TIP #2. Use my Lotto-80 System to see which Powerball game you need to play. Will it be Wednesday or Saturday for the USA Powerball? And which week should you should play Thursday's Australian Powerball? See how Powerball's best kept secret works:

TIP #3. Most jackpot winners take the lump sum payout where it's offered. Prizes are also paid by annuity (drip feed) over 20 years. But a one-time lump sum cash payment, less the federal taxes, will end up about one third of the total prize money offered. The lump sum for the US Powerball on Wednesday is $13.5 milllion. So, given the unpredictability of life, I suggest you take the immediate payout. Read more:

TIP #4. ALL my lotto systems - including Powerball - work on the principle of using the SAME numbers each time. It's a one-time set up that makes life so much easier because you only do the figures once, or get them done for you here:

TIP #5. I offer two Powerball systems, and I've set up an easy comparison chart here so you know which one is best for you:

"I've Won Every Week For 4 MONTHS On Powerball!"
"...Ken, I've won: $400.00, $300.00, $75.00, $50.00, 
$10.00, $5.00, $3.00 not just once but many times... 
I won every week for four months on Powerball. It 
was a great feeling...YOUR SYSTEM WORKS. Thank you..."
Michael A. (ardo*****

Happy Winning!
Ken Silver

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