Sunday, November 16, 2008

Let Me Demonstrate My Lottery Crystal Ball's Powers

I don't have a hooked nose.

I don't wear a shawl over my head.

I don't peer into a crystal ball.

But that's where the similarity ends.

Because - although I'm not a fortune teller who can predict your lottery future - I get pretty close with my Lotto-80 System.

"MAJOR PRIZE WON - I GOT $100,000.00!"

I won $100,000 using your Silver Lotto System 
and the clever Lotto-80 system. Its been the 
biggest amount I've won since I bought your 
systems a couple of years ago, but I never 
paid out more than $1,000 so its been a real bonus. 
F.B. (fio********

And as my research keeps adding new winning results to the Lotto-80 System, its usefulness keeps getting better:
  • I recently was able to increase the Lotto-80 System success rate of most games, like Mega Milllions which gained a 76% odds increase. 

  • I have added separate days of the week for those games that play on multiple days. So for example, if you play in the United States, many of the state games there draw twice a week. You can now choose the best day to play. Or Canada - the Lotto 649 plays Wednesday and Saturday. You get to choose the best day using the Lotto-80 System.

  • I am constantly adding more games. Greece and Belgium were among the most recent. More coming.

  • - You get to see all games in the one place... some 40+ of them around the world. So for example, if you play the New York game, but suddenly decide to play Powerball as well, you can look that up too. No extra cost to you.
It costs just $7.80 a MONTH to predict the success of your next lottery game. 

Not $7.80 a week... a Month!

Seems like the bargain of the century.

Poke me and tell me I'm crazy! Then run over to this page before I come to my senses and make it $100 a month:


Dear Ken,

Your 80 program said I should only have 
a 50% chance of winning in my game so I 
didn't play as much. Imagine my surprise 
when the numbers were not close and I 
only managed 3 out of 6. I'll take more 
notice next time. Thanks for a wonderful 
Jacqueline S (USA)

Here's the place to go to see into your own crystal ball:

Happy Winning!
Ken Silver

PS. People sometimes tell me my systems are too cheap to be any good. They are not - it's just that the currency exchange rate means I can keep prices low for you. See my blog post here for full details:

Get started on your winning steps at the lowest rate ever:

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