Tuesday, November 04, 2008

The Cart Before The Horse

Friend of a friend of a friend approached me today. 

Wanted desperately to succeed in internet marketing. (But this post isn't really about that)...

He's taking a course from a well-known marketing guru. Being an engineer, he is following his talents by methodically analyzing every single item in that course, and steadily working his way through it.

I applaud him. But I think he will fail.

You see, the first question out of his mouth was, "What's the best business structure for my business?" 

Closely followed by: "How do I set up the banking for deposits?" And then... "Can you recommend a good company to process creditcard payments?"

Now, if you're not really into business, you may not understand his line of questioning.

But he is concentrating too much on the mechanics of business.

In fact, the stuff he was asking about would be fairly easy to find on the net with one finger in 30 minutes.

The hard part was getting an answer from him... on WHAT he was going to sell. (By the way, I'll tell you my recommendation in a minute)...

This happens all the time in life. Too many folk concentrate on the unimportant, unnecessary parts of a task... and forget to carry out the most essential - getting a product and then sales. 

The cart before the horse.

In this guy's case, he was working backwards towards his dream of a home-based bizness over the net. 

Studying, learning, swotting, compiling information, attaining perfection... are all losing steps until you make a sale.

Now, playing lotto is just the same.

Maybe you'll google a few websites to find the ideal system. Perhaps you'll buy a couple of programs (they aren't that expensive, even mine).

You'll try each system a couple times, playing here and there. 

Get no results. Give up.

And the products end up at the back of your hard drive, gathering digital dust.

That's not the way, my friend. If you want to be a winnner in both business and lotto, you need to:
  • Focus on one area
  • Play consistently
If you look back over my 1,000+ newsletter articles, you'll see this theme running consistently through my writing.

Dithering around, trying this and that, not making up your mind to play in a professional manner... all this will DOOM your chances of success.

Getting prepared is all well and good, but ACTION is the key.

There's one more advantage to my Silver Lotto System that escapes a lot of players...

Once you have filled out your tickets - a 30 minute process that even a 12 year-old can do - that's all you do.

No more writing, marking coupons, figuring out combinations. 

None of that.

It's a once-only process that you only need repeat if you win $20 million and still want to play more games. And that's unlikely... you'll be more content resting up on a beach in some paradise island.

You can get all the figurework out done for you if you don't enjoy number stuff, with a Custom Profile (http://www.silverlotto.com/custom.htm). 

I do it all for you. You just transfer the numbers to your game tickets, then forget about it till you win Big Time.

So, spend less time working stuff out, more time playing and deciding what you're going to do with your haul of greenbacks! 

Happy Winning!
Ken Silver

P.S. I could have named this post "How Not To Be A Swing Voter", but I figured the world has probably read their fill about the election today. But the theme is the same - pick your system and STICK to it!

P.P.S. By the way, as promised, I thoroughly recommend this useful site for getting started in business on the net. I don't promote too many products away from my own, but this is good: http://www.kensilver.com/jk.htm

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