Thursday, November 06, 2008

Can Any Lottery System Promise A Jackpot Prize?

I get occasional emails from concerned readers.

Their main question is the possible danger of competition from all my other buyers:

"If everyone bought your lotto system Ken, how could they all win the main prize?"

The answer is really very simple...

My system doesn't promise you the main prize. 

Never has.

Think about it. What system could possibly predict the winning jackpot in one game? The odds are astronomical. It's impossible.

Other systems claim to have the secret to large prizes... but I know they don't.

I've always known that.

So I went in another direction back in 1990.

I decided to build a system that would get the greatest number of secondary prize winnings, and this is exactly what my groundbreaking system does.  

Suddenly players who haven't won a single free ticket in years discover that they getting multiple smaller prizes constantly.  

Hi Ken,
I bought your system about two years ago, 
and I have been a constant winner since. 
To date I have won $33,675.00! 
My last win was this past Wednesday 
when I knocked off another $1,370.00!

(name and email supplied)

Thousands have been winning smaller prizes - even a share of a $3.2 milllion.

So what would you rather have...

A chance at a multiple number of smaller prizes (up to a few million dollars each)... or an almost impossible chance of winning one major prize?

Hi Ken
I been playing the lotto for 12 years and never 
had won any thing , then last week I brought 
you silver lotto system and did play saturday 
and monday, on saturday I got 3+ numbers and on 
Monday I got 5 numbers out of 6, I was so close 
to get the big one I never been that far.

Jose. qal*****

Hi Ken
I have won consistently since I bought your 
Silver Lotto System. All totaled in about 3 
weeks is $4837.50. I spend about $30 per week 
which means that I have spent about $90 and 
have earned $4837.50. Pretty good return huh?

Don Kellough, Canada

Once you understand the power of the Silver Lotto System, then you see that you have no competition. 

Happy Winning!
Ken Silver

P.S. I think you should start buying up all my systems as quickly as possible.  Do it now.

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