Monday, November 17, 2008

Don't Paint Yourself Into A Lottery Corner

I'm painting part of my house right now.

An attractive gray color called Stony River. Together with the rich brown cedar wood, and white from around the rest of the house, it looks real good.

But it was a gamble.

See, I normally get designers or experts to do this stuff. And generally they do well if they are electricians or plumbers.

But color design is a different story. I couldn't get anyone to make the home as I visualized it.

So my wife and I did the paint selection ourselves. No arguments either. (At our advanced age we call them 'discussions').

But we didn't know the outcome until the paint went up.

Would it be a disaster?

We were right however. It's looking very nice... it was a good gamble.

And it got me thinking. 

Lotto is exactly the same.

You buy systems and tickets without really knowing the outcome. And there are a lot of experts about who claim to know the right system. 

But how do you trust them?

There's only one answer...

...look at the results AFTER. 

All the theory in the world can't replace the happy outcome of someone who has successfully done it before you:


Dear Ken...
...last Saturday i was one of the lucky 
winners - we shared the big jack (pot) ... 
This is where we stand today. 6 provisional 
winners of $537396.59 each (Total of 
$3,224,379.00) and we are one of the 6.
Maher M.**


...2 weeks ago won 2nd division powerball 
Be good to hear back from ya Thanks Phil..
Phil F.**


I won $100,000 using your Silver Lotto System
and the clever Lotto-80 system...its been a real
F.B. (fio********


It's the equivalent of getting down the street and admiring your handiwork on your newly painted home. 

Don't paint yourself into a corner by working with people who have no track record.

OK, get painti... I mean, buying!

Happy Winning!
Ken Silver

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