Sunday, March 16, 2008

Make The Choice... Money or Friends. But Wait...

There was an interesting question posed on a forum I visited recently.

It was an online quiz that asked three questions... whether you wanted a better relationship with your partner, whether you wanted to wake up happy in the morning, or whether you wanted so much money that you didn't have to work again.

Since I'm a bit contrary in my viewpoint, I put in the "lots of money" option.

Turns out that most people wanted the other two options.

I wasn't surprised.

This is why...

I call it "SAY AND DO."

That's the tendency for most people to SAY one thing, and DO another.

This is the problem that many businesses face when they conduct focus groups to find out which product to develop or use. They ask the group about what product they prefer. The interviewees give a response, and based on that the company produces a product tailored to suit them.

Of course the product usually flops.

Because people will say one thing while doing another. It's human nature.

So, back to my original subject - what's better, money or friends?

Most will say friends.

That's for you to decide, but I have something to confess to you...

Since I have both earned and won a lot of greenbacks, my friendships have deepened, my wife is far more happier, and people like me more. It has probably as much to do with my changed attitude as the amount of money I possess.

So my answer is... money.

Money opens a lot of doors, stops most pain in your life and gives you a tremendous amount of personal freedom.

Most people will answer... friends.

But I have both.

Now, why not try getting both too? And you know how... yes, through my Silver Lotto System! Three cheers for guessing that.

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