Thursday, May 24, 2007

Start Small... Finish Big!

What have these 2 testimonials have in common?

Since I started using yr system, I win at least $10.00 on two draws a week, I constantly win free tickets and I recently won $99.50. Sometimes I even get confused and think I only won free tickets, hand my tickets in and they pass me back $20.00. But I was averaging about $10.00 a year in the lotto and the occasional free ticket before I bought yr system. Perserverance is the key!
Sherry H (name and email supplied)

Hi Ken,
After my pessimism last week, I failed to play on Wed, but my numbers would have won a ticket with 5 out of 6 numbers and a couple of 3's . I think the 5/6 would have won me about $1,100 for just $30!!
Rosalind (name and email supplied)

You guessed it - persistance! Playing lotto needs a lot of it.

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