Thursday, May 03, 2007

How To Get Out Of That Hole

Do you get depressed about the economy? There are few countries who are not having some sort of problem at the moment with housing or jobs.

Maybe you are in that position. Is retirement is coming up and you haven't got as much as you need to live comfortably?

Maybe you just need some spare cash.

There are two ways around it.

1. Keep buying lotto tickets. And buy them early in the week so that you have plenty of time to think about how you will spend the money. It's not unrealistic to use forward expectation as a way of getting through the day. You'll be amazed at how positive you feel whenever you think about the rewards... how a win could solve all your daily problems. It's an easy way to stay positive about life.

2. Start a home-based, part-time business. But never give up your day job. Ideally you should start and build up a lowcost business until it matches or exceeds the money you receive from your job. Then you can go full-time - but not before.

What kind of business? The world is a big place, and it's tempting to think that there are millions of opportunities out there. But there are not. In fact, I believe there's only two or three opportunities that are low-risk enough for you:

A. Multi Level Marketing. Some people think of Amway when they hear about multi-level or network marketing. But there are countless other opportunities in all different areas that doesn't involve this company. Just Google the term "mlm" and see what comes up. The advantage of MLM is that very little investment is needed... often only $20 or $30 to start. There is no product to buy, and all the accounting is done for you by the company you get involved with. In a kind of way, being an affiliate is like MLM because it has the same advantages.

B. Affiliate Marketing. Read my last post and you'll see how easy and risk-free it is. The Silver Lotto System is the best product to sell because there is no product to buy and the potential from billions of Lotto players is enormous. The one advantage that really makes it head and shoulders above most other affiliate products is the low refund rate... usually below 2%. That indicates a horde of satisfied buyers - which is all you need for a good product and income potential.

C. The Internet. There are countless opportunities to make a good living with tiny overheads (business costs). If you've ever sold something on eBay, you'll know what I'm talking about.

One of the biggest advantage in having a home-based profitable business is the tax advantage. In many cases you can claim a portion of costs from your telephone, rent, utilities, computer, upgrading... in fact, anything to do with running a business.

You'll notice I haven't given you many options to make a start. That's because they're too numerous.

In a following post I'll outline how you should go about finding the ideal business for you, but here's some advance information: start with the Lotto Affiliate Selling System
- you really can't go wrong.

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