Saturday, May 26, 2007

Become A Lotto Action Figure

From the last post - how do we apply the action step in opening your dollar doors?

Do more. That means reading about winning, talking with others about lotto and making plans for spending your winnings. And of course taking more tickets.

When you take action you're constantly opening doors. Every door you open means another opportunity gained. The more doors you open, the higher your chances of achieving what you want.

I open doors constantly. I'm always generating new encounters to increase my winning opportunities:

- Buying more tickets in my lotto game.
- Taking a new route to the shops.
- Meeting new people.
- Tasting and experimenting with new foods.
- Changing my clothes (dressing up to go to town instead of wearing casual).
- Walking into new shops.
- Saying yes to situations where I'd normally say no.
- Staying awake when I'd normally sleep.

All these activities open doors for me. Like me, you can open your own dollar doors now by taking action.

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