Tuesday, May 08, 2007

2 Eye-Opening Events

1. Two days ago I bought an ebook on how to reduce airline ticket costs. By using just one link in this book, I saved $1500 on the purchase of a ticket today. How much was the book? $39.95. What was the real saving? Priceless!

If a mere $39.95 - also today's discount price for my Silver Lotto System ebook - is holding you back from winning lotto, you'd better think again. Compare that tiny price of entry to a multimillion dollar winning.

2. A couple of hours ago I bought an online book at Powells.com. It is an exceptionally good ebook by Tim Ferriss called "The 4-Hour Workweek" and I'm already up to page 221.

What's really amazing is not my speed-reading abilities, but the contortions I had to go through to buy this digital book. I very nearly gave up half an hour later. There must have been no less than 12 separate stages, including signing up for an account (Why, for goodness sake? Couldn't they automatically use my purchase details for the account?)

Compare that to buying my Silver Lotto System in just one click. Painless. I can't understand why all the online world doesn't work this way.

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