Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Are You Fired Up To Win Lotto Today?

In almost every walk of life you can hear about people battling against huge odds - and winning through.

Edison with his 6,000 attempts to produce a light bulb... Col Sanders travelling the country with his secret recipe for chicken that became KFC... there are so many that we've all heard about so many times.

It's the same with playing this fascinating game of chance... you can play and play and play, be about ready to give up... then a breakthrough. That last bit of effort has won you a fortune.

One way to keep the faith is to concentrate on your goals. What are you going to spend your win on? Have you clipped and filed pictures of that new house, that new car, that tropical vacation?

By putting them into an organized wish list folder - and reviewing it constantly - will drive your dreams through the roof. You'll be really fired up to win.

Why not try your game one more time? Give it a go and see what happens. You could be surprised!

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