Monday, January 07, 2013

Don't Let The Year Gone Affect Your New Life In 2013 As A Lottery Winner

Most smokers, chocaholics or couch potatoes try to give up their unhealthy habits by making a 'new' beginning at some special time.

Usually the next Monday. 

Or the beginning of a year.

Or when the packet is empty.

It somehow seems fitting that a new beginning should also always start on a new week, empty container or an important event.

For example, I gave up smoking 38 years ago, and I can tell you the exact date as well.


Because my daughter was born that day. 

At the time it seemed that the worst thing I could do with a new life was to help her along with deadly second-hand smoke fumes.

And my health improved as well - a double benefit!

But when we link our lives to outside events, we become mere puppets being borne along on the winds of chance.

And the possibility of success is remote when we let other times, places or people control us.

It's the same with New Year's resolutions.

If you waited until now, the beginning of the New Year, to finally state that you will play lotto to win and not as a hobby - you are wasting valuable time.

If you want to get started right now on winning the lottery, do this:

1. Buy the Silver Lotto System to get started:
2. Buy the Lotto-80 System to make your game more productive:
3. Get the PRO Custom Profiles to help you get the most from every game:

Think you won this weekend? Check out your game's winning results here:

Won something? Tell us by sending your story to (replace the AT with a @). It will viewed and added to - your full name and address will never be shared.

And don't forget to see sample free predicted games from my Lotto-80 membership site:

Make Every Play Day A Payday!
Ken Silver