Saturday, February 24, 2007

This Really Gets Me Steamed Up!

I'm partway listening to an online video presentation. The reason that I've even got one minute into this 15 minute video is that I respect the presenter. But every second that I listen to the intro, I get madder and madder.

Because this guy is taking my valuable time. He is speaking at around 100 words a minute... the average rate... whereas I can read at 10-20 times that speed.

See where I'm going? I'm going to spend 10-20 times longer absorbing this information than if I were to read it.

And because I'm not an audial (ear) kind of person - I get my information through "eye-gate" as education trainers call it - the spoken stuff just isn't going to stick. And I can't review it either without wasting more time. I can't just flick my eyes back to the intro to remind me of a certain point. And I can't do anything else like talk on the phone or chat to my family. Everything is blocked out by "the voice."

What's this got to do with lotto? It's about saving time. You can waste a lot of time figuring out your ticket numbers when you should be out having fun or doing other things.

You should look for ways to reduce this time as much as possible, so you can concentrate on winning. If you're buying my Silver Lotto System, you should also buy a Custom Profile. This is where all the numbers are set out for you. You don't have to do anything more than transfer them to your lotto tickets, and of course, you only need to do this once-in-a-lifetime.

The other timesaver is to have your tickets checked at your lotto outfit. If you have more than half a dozen tickets, you realize that this is a huge timesaver. And accurate too.

Unless of course you enjoy working with figures. Maybe you're an accountant kind of person. All power to you, but I still think there are better ways to use your time.

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