Monday, February 19, 2007

How To Win Both Ways - In Lotto And In Life

When I changed the title of this blog to "the lotto life" a few weeks ago, one of the main ideas I had was to draw a parallel of a successful life with playing and winning lotto.

Over the years it's become very obvious to me that people who are successful in life are also successful in lotto. The disciplines of desire, application and persistence apply to both life and lotto. They don't throw dice for a living.

So in these posts I'm going to explore these topics in more detail. Today I want to talk about how successful people reduce their financial risk.

Most people have just one form of income. It could be their job, superannuation... income from just one source. And I think you know what I'm about to say: - when that source dries up or is taken away, they are stuck. They have to search for another job and find money to carry them over while they do that. It's a burden and it ALWAYS happens at the wrong time!

My business has several income sources - not just from my lotto products. If I take a hit in one area, I can boost the rest to rally round and make up the difference. And I'm always adding more to the mix so that eventually I will be "business-independent." That means I could drop several income streams and not be affected.

Some investors use property as a way to safeguard their income. I know several people who have dozens of investment homes. The rent from these multiple properties provides a very strong income source.

It's no different in lotto. If you play with only one ticket, your winning chances are very much reduced. That's obvious. So, as in life, you need to increase your opportunity value by playing more tickets.

OK, so how do you increase your income streams? If you have a standard day job, then one of the best ways to increase income is to dip your toes in the entrepreneurial waters with a home business. This has the double advantage of protecting your main income if that dips at any point. And your secondary income is a great buffer against any problems you may have looming.

I'm about to release a low cost business kit for the Silver Lotto System so you can get your income stream flowing. I believe that selling my system is one of the best businesses you can possibly have. It requires a medium amount of promotion, but everything else is automated. It's the ideal business to start building your financial safeguards.

If you haven't subscribed to my newsletter, do so now in the box on the right hand side of this blog. You'll get full information sent to you when I release it later on today.

In the meantime, remember that to increase your lotto options you need to buy more tickets. My system shows that fully in the manual. It's not expensive the way I explain it.