Thursday, October 19, 2006

How The "Other Half" REALLY Lives!

There was a time, about a couple of decades ago, when I didn't have two pennies to rub together.

That's right... I was as poor as a church mouse after the forced closure of my businesses.

I had sold everything I had in order to keep some bread on the table, but I had finally reached one of the lowest points in my life. My bank had closed my account because I tried to draw a cheque before the funds had been cleared in another branch. I was reduced to filling my car with $10 worth of gas each time, and even switching off the engine on long downward hills. Only the leniency of my landlord had stopped us being thrown out of our rented house.

You won't believe how desperate and down I was. Even now I find it hard to talk about.

So whatever you're going through at the moment, I've been there before you.

But every cloud has a silver lining.

Because I finally found someone to hire me (the self-employed are notoriously unemployable!), and gradually the debts reduced under a regular wage.

I became more cautious in my spending, but I was always living on the edge. The same $10 fill of my gas tank was still expensive, and I was riding a motorcycle to work to keep the costs down.

But my situation changed.

There was no dramatic turnaround, but after a while some things improved for us. I didn't suddenly leap from living under a bridge to living in a mansion. The change came slowly, but gradually.

The real change in my attitude came over 17 years ago when I was walking the beach near where we lived. I suddenly realized that I was on my own. No-one else could help me... I was completely dependent on my own abilities.

From that moment on I was determined to fight back.

Luckily my Honest Lotto System and other manuals I wrote on marketing became best-sellers and provided the basis for a number of ventures that were moderately successful. And everything grew from there.

Now I am living proof of how the other half lives. From poor to well-off. From a motorcycle to five luxury cars. From a rented home to a million-dollar, harbor-view mansion. And I'm grateful that I still have the support of my wife though all these times of trouble.

That $10 gas bill that used to cripple me financially in the old days is 10 times higher each week now. But I don't even notice it. That amount was a large proportion of my income when I was poor, but has disappeared almost completely today by comparison to my present income.

When you're successful, this means a comfortable life without having to worry about bills. My telephone bill is 15 times higher today than it was back in the bad old days. But I pay it immediately it arrives and don't miss the amount. This is the power of a giant income.

This is what money does. It frees you. Don't ever forget it.

While there is no single path to attaining the amount of money that makes you comfortable, everything I sell today is designed to catapult you towards fruitful living.

Let me explain...

There are two ways you can live the life of the "Other Half."

First, use my Honest Lotto System products to increase your chances of winning a vast sum.

For example, Powerball is up to $59 million on Saturday. You should buy my PowerSpread system to give you the best advantage. I've even reduced the system by a huge $20 (also to those people who have paid the higher price of $67) to encourage you.

Look what others have won this year in various lottos (genuine testimonies on file):

- $537,396.59 by Maher M... the biggest yet.
- $175,000.00 miss by Larry... sadly an accident
stopped him from buying his winning tickets.
- $100,000.00 by Ron B.
- $70,634.60.00 on the Canada 6/49 by Murray B.
- Numerous smaller wins of up to $5,000.00 by
many Silverites (buyers of my system)

Secondly, once you've bought any of my products, I encourage you to become an affiliate (reseller) of my system. I paid out $29,526.78 in one year to one of my top affiliates... and there were several others not far behind. This sort of income of around $570 a week will surely take you off the bread line.

Whether you win your income - or become an affiliate, it's important that you don't procrastinate.

You need to start this minute.

The difference between the successful and those who are not - is ACTION.

Start this minute.

The unsuccessful will wait until "Monday" to start something... the successful will take action in the next 30 minutes, and continue on until it works for them.

Are you willing to work towards becoming the "Other Half?"

Start this minute.