Monday, October 16, 2006

14 Things You Didn't Want To Know About Me...

A while back I said I was going to open up my life to you.

So read on, and at the end I'll tell you why I have given you this rather revealing information about me...

- One of my two daughters won our city's beauty contest 15 years ago - yet I'm as ugly as sin!
- I once nearly caused a life-threatening helicopter crash that later made my instructor gulp down half a bottle of whisky to quell his nerves. Yet I had no fear during - or after - the accident at all!
- In the last month I have given up all sugar. I feel no different.
- I have been faithfully married to the same woman for over 30 years.
- I haven't ever seen the inside of a prison, yet my spouse visits one weekly to counsel inmates.
- I have no formal educational qualifications. Yet I once gained an almost perfect 99% score in an advanced management course.
- I bought the first USA-made Ovation classical guitar in my country, 25 years ago.
- I don't drink alcohol. I have no reason for it.
- My teeth cost 7 times more than my watch.
- The Duke of Edinburgh once asked of me: "Can we trust him?" I was the only air force person in a mess full of army officers, while taking the Duke's photo. It brought the house down. (Sadly he blinked and the photo was not used).
- I'm claustrophobic. Small aircraft, the dentist, lifts and tight crowds are traumatic for me at times.
- I read up to 3 newspapers and 2 magazines a day.
- I rarely have an accident. With anything.
- I believe weightloss is best done with less food and more exercise.

Have you seen the reason yet behind this rather peculiar selection of my life experiences?

It's simply this...

Each day I troll through web page after web page of oppportunities. Every one of them has something exciting and fascinating to tell me.

But I don't give a hoot.

That's because - with very few exceptions - I know nothing of the people behind the pages. So I don't trust them.

In fact, I don't even know their names most of the time. They don't put their names up anywhere on their websites. They hide behind corporate structures. But it gets worse. They are mostly anonymous and boring, all saying the same thing without a shred of personality behind their words.

I'm different. Over the years, you will have grown to know more about me than about your neighbors. And this is a good thing because it leads to trust, which is the most important factor when you buy on the internet.

Let me tell you, without trust a huge percentage of people would be still reluctant to give their creditcard details over the net... even though it's been specifically proved time after time that you cannot have a problem. The banks will always reimburse you if you have the slightest hiccup.

So even though you can buy riskfree, I'd be happier if you can trust me.

So I've made it easier by divulging more about me than anyone else on the net. You've seen my photo, my personal details and beliefs... you've probably even seen the photo of my private box at my local village (photo above). I've used the same one since last century :-)

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