Sunday, July 03, 2011

What Do YOU Think - The Great Stuff Vs Experiences Debate, When You Win Lotto

It's a longstanding joke in our household.

When the discussion comes up about buying stuff or experience, I'm a stuff guy.

I tell them that if you take a world trip, as you get older, Alzheimer's and the passing years will gradually erase that experience from your memory.

Waste of money, in my opinion.

Age-related memory loss will take the $20,000 you spent on the trip to South America or Hawaii, dump it at the back of your brain, and over time you'll have nothing to show but photos.

Here's an extreme example: My wife and I took her mother halfway round the world to Britain when she was 93.

Although she still has a sharp mind, these 3 years later her memories have mainly been replaced by just a 'happy' feeling whenever we talk about the trip.

Science shows us that as we experience more in our lives, our memory bank fills up and the older experiences get shoved to the back, forgotten.

So we remember less and less.

Now, if you spent the twenty grand on, say, art, not only do you get year-round everyday pleasure from it, but it's likely you'll get 10 times more than you paid if you eventually sell it.

OK, both sides have a point.

But the secret is to enjoy enough money to have BOTH!

My sole aim over the last 20 years has been to get you winning big - and fast - so that you can make that happy choice.

And so each Monday (or Sunday for some of you today), I release predictions for 5 of the 87 game days in my Lotto-80 System.

My object is to tempt you to buy this tiny $7.80 a month membership.

Because it is a fantastic way to shortcut losses and improve winnings, for the price of a hamburger a month.

THIS WEEK'S PREDICTIONS: (You'll need to subscribe to my free newsletter to see the full details:

Australia **********
British ******* ****
Philippines **********
USA **********
Hoosier *******

Here's another point - many players have benefitted by using the Lotto-80 System in my PRO package here:

"MAJOR PRIZE WON - I GOT $100,000.00!"
I won $100,000 using your Silver Lotto System and
the clever Lotto-80 system. Its been the biggest
amount I've won since I bought your systems a
couple of years ago, but I never paid out more
than $1,000 so its been a real bonus.
Fiona.B. (fio********

- $3.2 Million by Maher M.
- $1 Million by Lester R.
- $281,183.00 by Robert W.
- $175,000.00 by Larry.
- $100,000 by Phil F.
- $100,000.00 by Ron B.
- $70,634.60.00 by Murray B.

Take a look now before you forget... :)

Silver Lotto PRO: 

Or see just the Lotto-80 System here:

Make Every Play Day a PAY Day!
Ken Silver