Sunday, July 31, 2011

The Airplane Shadow Effect And Winning The Lottery


If I had blinked, I would have missed it.

I was sitting in my office this morning, the sun streaming through the floor to ceiling windows.

Then it happened.

A quick flash of dark - a fleeting shadow - passed across the floor.

And in the distance, beyond the double-glazed glass, far away, I heard the muffled sound of an aircraft climbing.

Its shadow had flicked across my room in that instant.

I sat back and marveled what exact coincidence of sun, airplane - and me - had met together to cause this rare event.

Just like a solar eclipse.

Or a lottery winning.

The rare coincidence of a happy accident.

Then it struck me - that this was the perfect example of how the lottery works.

All round the world... people sitting, waiting for their own aircraft shadow to sweep across their path.

Waiting to hit the jackpot.

It's a long wait.

But you can increase your chances of winning by getting in the path of more shadows - the winning chances.

Just go to an airport, and position yourself between the flight path of all incoming and outgoing aircraft, and the sun.

The "rare shadow event" would then probably happen every hour or two, maybe sooner.

And this is exactly the way my winning system works, by getting you in the best position for winning and staying there.

You have to go where the aircraft fly to make your own 'luck.'

OK, sometimes the clouds will come over.

Other times night will fall.

But these can be overcome by realizing the limitations.

My Silver Lotto System works by removing clouds and darkness.

But then - to improve your chances even further - you need to  get nearer the airport.

And that is what my Lotto-80 System does.

It positions you closer to the places when the aircraft fly over and hugely increases your winning chances.

And it gets better...

Every week at this time I release 5 games out of the 87 game days in the Lotto-80 System, and give them to you free.

I'm betting you will see the value in this low-cost membership, and sign up for the $7.80/month subscription here: htpp://

Here they are...


Australian Powerball
Greece Lotto
California Super Lotto Plus
Washington Lotto

All the 87 games covered by the Lotto-80 System are at this site: htpp://

You'll be able to get weekly updates and control your ticket playing and investment. 

It's the best thing you can do right now, and you don't even have to drive to the airport :)

Make Every Play Day a PAY Day!
Ken Silver