Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Show Me the Money! 3 Secrets Tom Cruise Would Use To Win the Lottery


Tom Cruise and I have a quirky physical similarity that I'll tell you about in a minute.

Oh yeah, we go way back on this one :)

But first I want to reveal how he makes all the right moves.

Because you don't get anywhere in this world without some special motivation.

And I don't mean Scientology.

Some folk would argue that he's not the best looking guy in town.

But he does have other talents, in spades.

And that's what I want to outline to you now.

So let's get the ball rolling...

If you were in Tom's shoes... and applied your talent to the lottery, here's how you would start winning like crazy:

TOM'S SECRET #1: He Jumps On Couches...

You've seen that trampolining action on tv, right?

Tom jumping on Oprah Winfrey's couch back in 2005, as he declares his love for his now-wife Katie Holmes?

Crazy, we all thought. 

Yet that is EXACTLY how he approaches most projects in his life... with enthusiasm and gusto.

Nothing half-hearted here... no Cruisin' on through.

He is on FIRE with everything... over the top.

He started the phone calling craze at red carpet events by taking fan's cellphones - and chatting with their moms or friends at the other end.

He is personal, upfront and passionate about his work and audience.

Love him or hate him, you've got to admit one thing...

That if he brought this whirlwind of interest to the lottery, he would be buying tickets like crazy.

And winning.

IN TOM'S SHOES: You can bring a passion for winning simply by acting keen. In turn this makes you more enthused about the game. Increase your involvement by playing two games a week instead of one a month. More is ALWAYS better, and the only way you can stay concentrated for the time it takes to win, is to have a high octane passion. My own passion is to keep you motivated... hoping to inspire you to win more and play better.

TOM'S SECRET #2: He Only Films Blockbusters...

Have you ever seen a home grown Film Festival film starring Tom?

Nope - he only does the big event films... action movies mostly.

And laughs all the way to the bank.

Do you know why they are ACTION films? 

Yup - these giant epics are the fastest way to stardom and box office wealth.

None of the slow, plodding backwaters for Tom. 

He gets in where the action starts and follows through big - like a bull in a china shop - right to the end.

IN TOM'S SHOES: Action - high energy action - always beats a slow, tortise-like life. Every game you choose to play, you've gotta play FAST and big. Don't slow down or wimp out... keep the action revving. And don't play small fish... go for the power games to increase your chances of getting better prizes. I have power solutions for games like Powerball and MegMillions to help you.

Friday night I had my husband choose numbers to fill out a Powerball profile so that I could see if I could be successful creating a profile myself. That profile also had 4 numbers on one of the Profile lines and 3 lines with just the Powerball, so there would have been a total of 4 winners on that Profile chart. This proves to me that absolutely anyone can use your system.
Mary J.

TOM'S SECRET #3. He Never Stops for Breath...

Tom has been making movies since the 1981 "Endless Love." 

He makes films year-in, year-out...

He's appeared in a total of 38 up to now. 

Raking in the money.

It's rare that a year goes by without Tom acting, writing or directing a film. 

Right now he's filming "Rock of Ages," an 80's style film starring Russell Brand and Alec Baldwin among others.

He doesn't slow down or take a break.

We don't know his motivation, but I'm guessing he wants to do more work.

To increase his exposure and longevity.

IN TOM'S SHOES: You have to keep playing the game. And the longer you play, the better your chances of winning. It's all tied up with Frequency and Recency... fancy lottery words that mean you must play more, more often. Simple. Every Silver Lotto System winner who plays often has a great track record of wins. For some it can be small, others big:

I've won: $400.00, $300.00, $75.00, $50.00, $10.00, $5.00, $3.00 not just once but many times... I won every week for four months on Powerball. It was a great feeling...YOUR SYSTEM WORKS.
Thank you
Michael A. (ardo*****@alltel.net)

Use these 3 secrets from Tom, and stop spinning your wheels.

Crib the talents of successful people, and increase your lottery success by copying them.

Oh, and the body part I share with Tom?

Our front teeth.

His are slightly off center, tilted sideways.

As are mine.

We've both had our teeth redone - so skillfully, no-one really notices.

I think.

Doesn't matter.

Take a looky-loo at my lottery products... and buy whatever you don't have.

It's worth every penny when the wins come through!

Make Every Play Day a PAY Day!
Ken Silver