Monday, May 31, 2010

The Competition To Win Lotto Will Shock You!

How many people round the world play the lottery?

Let's take the USA, with a current population of 307 milllion.

A 2007 survey showed that when the jackpot games are high, 87% of the population take a ticket.

That's a stunning total 267 million who play!

That is a lot of people who are playing lotto against you.

Fortunately most of them have no idea how to select a ticket.

They don't use a system... they pick numbers according to the weather, their birth dates, children's ages, on the diagonal of the ticket and many more ways you simply wouldn't believe.

But their sheer mass gives them a competitive edge.

That's why it's important to use my successful lottery system to get a real advantage, to get ahead of the crowd.

The situation is the same around the world. 

Forget casinos, horse racing or pokies. The lottery is the biggest game around in most countries by a huge percentage.

Do you really want to get ahead of the competition in lotto? 

Check out my systems and get started!

Happy Winning!
Ken Silver