Thursday, March 11, 2010

It's Time To Run Down To The Lottery Shop


As I write this, strong winds and rain are relentlessly pounding at my home office windows.

There's even some hail.

Strange weather for a formerly sunny day at the end of our summer.

And I still have my lottery tickets to buy.

I'm not looking forward to getting out in this thunderstorm... but it must be done.

If you're lucky, you're bathed in beautiful sunshine right now, and your lottery shop is conveniently just a few steps down the road.

If you are in this idyllic position, I'm jealous.

So this is a reminder to everybody who hasn't yet bought the tickets for this coming weekend.

Put on the raincoat or the sun hat, and head down there!

And if you haven't bought my Silver Lotto System to give you an unfair advantage, this is the place to go:

I also want to remind you about the last remaining Lifetime Offer.

What's so good about this reminder is the big project I'm working on right now.

If you remember, it's an automated website that does everything for you to bring in a passive income.

It's progressing well and I'm in the final stages... maybe a week or two to go.

While I'm not letting out the price of this website just yet, I can tell you it's actually more then you will pay for the Lifetime Offer.

And the Lifetime Offer gets you this remarkable website investment - as well as all my 70+ products free. For life.

And that's something like $26,000 worth.

Take the step now to make this great saving yours alone. 

Because once it's gone, the only way you can get one is for someone to sell theirs. 

And that could cost you a pretty penny! :

Happy Winning!
Ken Silver