Thursday, April 30, 2009

Donald Trump's Lavish Spending Secret

Heard a story about Donald Trump the other day.

You know Donald - the New York property billionaire, with the hair.

Turns out he was sailing close to the financial wind a few years back. Losing a lot of money.

Almost on the verge of bankruptcy.

But he had a plan.

So when he was called by a consortium of banks that he owed money to, he outlined his strategy at a special meeting.

It was a bold solution, but it was appealing because he owed more money than the banks could afford to lose.

They agreed - on one condition...

That he cut back his personal monthly spending of around $450,000 a month.

He refused.

He said that it would reduce his motivation and give out the wrong signals to his staff and customers.

Can you imagine this scenario?

A group of high powered bankers grouped round a giant walnut veneered boardroom table, peering down at The Donald surrounded by his advisors, as he blithely tells them what he's going to do with their money.

The tension, the questions, the headmasterly frowning over pince-nez glasses.

Well, they gulped, but they agreed.

And a year or two later Trump had moved into the black and repaid most of the loans.

There's a lesson here.

Times are tough right now. 

But the only investment that will give you a chance to make a great deal of money rapidly is your lottery game. 

You're not going to get $77 million (Saturday's Powerball prize) at your day job anytime soon.

You NEED to continue playing.

You NEED to make playing your game a priority, regardless of what others want you to do.

Like Trump, you don't want to give up that part of your life. 

Your lottery investment spending has the potential to completely change your world in an instant... in a way no other financial instrument can.

That's why so many 100's of milllions round the world play each week.

If you have a problem finding the spare cash, take an inventory of things you can do without.

Do you smoke? Give it up.

I gave up as a young man 37 years ago and saved $20 a week immediately. I don't know what the price of smokes are today, but it must be a lot more.

Don't neglect your health or your family, but slash any luxury to keep your lotto game bubbling along.

I bought your system... Since then computer 
crashed, new computer,changed internet carriers, 
etc,etc. Anyway still kept trying the system 
and 2 weeks ago won 2nd division Powerball $100,000.00.... 
Phil F. 

Whatever you do, make sure you don't miss out on your weekly game.

It's the only bright light left. 

It can benefit you in a huge way - if you give it the oppportunity.

Happy Winning!
Ken Silver

P.S. Only 2 days to Saturday's game. Have you bought your system yet?

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