Thursday, April 02, 2009

The Secret To Contentment

Watched CNN on my new Panasonic projector in the early hours of this morning. 

I was having trouble sleeping, so I turned on the projector in my bedroom, and started flipping through the channels on the 90" screen.

Here's a crazy item...

There's a worldwide shortage of bees right now, according to the latest news. Why, no-one knows. Maybe they've all gone south for the winter :)

But it triggered something in my memory.

A queen bee is genetically identical to the worker bees in her hive. But even though she just sits around laying eggs, she lives 10 times longer.

So I went to my library down the hall and pulled out a book I had bought a while back at an anonymous airport somewhere in the world. 

It was how to live longer through laziness.

And it confirmed other strange facts on longevity:

- Animals live up to 20 times longer in a zoo than in the wild. Part of this is attributed to 'meals on wheels'... they don't have to spend most of their time hunting for food.
  • - Large animals, the ones which move slower than the others... elephants, tortoises, whales, bars (bears), have a vastly longer lifespan than humming birds, mice and other quick-moving animals.

  • - Most athletes have a short life. But gardeners live long. It is the amount of vigorous exercise that seems to play a big part in how long we live.
According to this slim book, a long life boils down to this startling fact... we all have a certain amount of life energy allotted to us for our lifetime.

If we use up this pool of energy with excessive activity, we croak (expire) earlier.

You often find examples of royalty and the rich living well past their expected lifespan. It may be in their genes, maybe not. I think it is because they do very little tough manual work.

I really like the lazy theory. It seems to add up.

And that's where lotto comes in.

The obvious answer is that money can buy services to reduce your workload and increase your lifegiving laziness. 

Doing this preserves your energy. 

And it makes life safer too... I have several friends who have permanently damaged themselves by falling off roofs and trees while doing home maintenance.

Wads of cash not only shield you from the arduous work that can damage your health. 

But they provides something else my book also revealed: Contentment.

Your mental state is another biggie in this long life theory. 

The happier you are, the longer your life.

Hollywood film stars live longer if they get an Academy Award. And it's some 4 years longer, according to a recent study. 

They get public respect for their talent, and their longevity soars.

And it's well known that the rich live longer, whether it be with better healthcare, or simply the lack of worry about where their next meal is coming from.

These factors have got to be a big incentive for us all to strive for a life of ease.

You can do it several ways. 

By living simply... less expectations mean less hassle and worry.

Or have your easy life on a silver plate, handed out to you through the accumulation of large sums of greenbacks. Yup, win some big bucks, like the 126 milllion on Powerball this weekend  so you can do this: 

- You can buy grocery shopping - I have mine delivered by the local supermarket just by clicking on their online order page.
  • - You can buy home services like cleaning, painting, ground work, gardening.

  • - When you buy further up the automobile scale, your local dealer will have your car collected and delivered for servicing.

  • - You can have a live-in housekeeper and cook to make your meals.
Today is the day you must decide to live simply, or live richly. Because in the next couple of days it's a lottery draw day for most countries. 

And you only have a few hours to get my systems, and start your long life.

Tomorrow MAY be the day that changes your life - and extends it!

Happy Winning!
Ken Silver

P.S. A long life without meaning is useless. Have you seriously thought about how you can best use your money to do good? For your neighborhood, community, or city?

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