Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Yellow Robot Teaches Me A Lottery Lesson

Our outside deck was a little dirty this morning.

After a few hours of wind there were some dirt and leaves on the surface.

Since the deck is quite large, it takes me a while to sweep.

So a while back I went out and bought a robot cleaner... a vacuum cleaner called the Dirt Dog made by a USA company called iRobot.

And every few days I set it down on the deck, and it merrily spends an hour and a half sucking up all the debris. The deck looks like new every time.

In the beginning though, I wasn't a happy man.

After I had bought - then unboxed, unwrapped and charged this bright yellow cleaner about the size and shape of a cake tin, I was keen to see it working.

I pressed the ON button, and away it went, bumping and whirring its way round the deck.

After 10 minutes of watching with not much progress, I went back inside and did some work.

A few minutes later I came back out and saw much the same. Sure, a couple of the leaves had gone, but the deck looked still untouched. So I took another 10 minutes to do more chores inside.

On my return to the deck, I was surprised. 

Not much was happening at all.

Darn, had I bought a dud? How long was this machine going to take to finish sweeping my deck? Forever?

So I had lunch.

And 40 minutes later I heard a beep from the robot. It had finished.

Imagine my surprise when I went back out... and the deck was completely spotless!

How could this be? Each time I had visited, the Dirt Dog didn't seem to be doing much. But at the end of the cleaning cycle, you could eat your breakfast off the floor.

It made me think of how similar this routine is to the way many players play lotto using my system

After many promises from me, many satisfied buyers... what could go wrong?

(Haven't made the connection yet? Don't worry - keep reading...)

So they buy. They're excited after they receive the system and eagerly unwrap it. 

Then they play a game or two. 

At first it seems nothing's happening. Maybe a small prize - nothing to write home about.

Then they try the next one. Same again.

In the following game they get some results, but not much better. They wonder when the system will start to stretch its legs.

But, gradually, slowly, after several more games, the results start flooding in. Until at the end they have a winning game with many prizes, like magic.

I don't know why it should work this way. but it does. 

Like clockwork.

In my ex-newspaper world it was the same with advertising. The first few ads wouldn't make a dime for the advertiser. Then gradually they started getting better and better results, until after a period the business was making a good deal of money.

It happens more often in all sorts of unrelated areas than you realise.

So, don't expect too much at the start.  It might take several games, but at the end I guarantee you'll have a clean deck you'll be proud of.

And maybe a lot of prizewinning tickets like these guys:

- $3.2 Million by Maher M... a 6th share.
- $281,183.00 by Robert Whelan.
- $175,000.00 miss by Larry... sadly an accident
stopped him from buying his winning tickets.
- $100,000 by Phil F.
- $100,000.00 by Ron B.
- $70,634.60.00 on the Canada 6/49 by Murray B.
- Numerous smaller wins of up to $75,000.00 by 
many Silverites (buyers of my system)

Happy Winning!
Ken Silver

PS. Now I have 4 different robots, and I use each one for different areas. Our days of wielding a vacuum cleaner are over!

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