Monday, April 13, 2009

Do You Make These 5 Lotto Losing Mistakes?

Because I've been in this business since 1991, I've seen a lot of people losing needlessly.

And I've discovered the difference between winnning small or big can be any one of these 5 lotto-losing bloopers.

Read and absorb, then act!

Mistake #1. You're not playing enough lines. 
One Profile line or even 5 lines per game is NOT ENOUGH! Use more, many more. Save up and wait if necessary, till you can afford a whole card in one game.

Mistake #2. You're playing too many games with too few numbers. 
Keep focused. You can't play 4 different games each week with a few lines in each and expect to get any result. Focus in on one game, play big and stick with it.

Mistake #3. You've given up because you're not winning each week.
Keep going! Persist! Success comes to the tryers, the players, the involved, the do-ers. Not the stay-at-homers or the once-only's.

Mistake #4. You don't play each week.
You need to get in to win. Lotto is like going to a baseball game... you won't get inside the stadium unless you've bought a ticket at the gate. Get in the game!

Mistake #5. You need to build goals and believe in your dream. 
This is no woo-woo nonsense. Unless you have a set of strong goals fuelled by vivid dreams, you'll give up at the first sign of defeat. So keep striving and believing. 

It works!

Happy Winning!
Ken Silver

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