Saturday, April 11, 2009

5 Lotto Winning Rituals You Need Today

Rituals make life easier... even when playing lotto

These following small rituals build on your play tactics... so you'll feel as if you're missing out when you don't do them. That gives you an automatic incentive to keep going.

Try these 5 tips and see how they make a difference to your playing:
  1. Go down to your local lotto shop at the same time each week. 
  2. Go with the same friend each time. 
  3. Park in the same spot if you can (or like me, walk - it's better for you). 
  4. See the same assistant to have your tickets processed. 
  5. Have a coffee afterwards in the same shop. 
Once you've done this a number of times, you'll find it will be easy to continue playing regularly. 

Regular play is one of the most powerful ways to improve your odds. Use rituals to enforce it.

And rituals make playing regularly easy. Try it!

Happy Winning!
Ken Silver

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