Wednesday, September 22, 2010

You'll Enjoy Reading This Question About Winning The Lottery

You'll enjoy this question...

How will you spend your lotto winnings?

Is there something you've always wanted to accomplish... a hobby to follow... a special country to visit... a family or friends you can help? 

Maybe you want a better home, or help the homeless. Or to buy a business for your family, or maybe let them take a well-earned vacation.

Or perhaps you want to do some good work... to help others less fortunate than you. 

Have you read the list of what winners have actually accomplished on my website? 

See it at near the bottom of the Silver Lotto System website

It makes interesting reading.

Whatever you dream of, having a planned goal for spending your winnings is essential because it helps you remain grounded and stable after the excitement of any win, large or small.

OK i tried many other lotto programs and 
they all stank. i piled money in and got 
nothing back. So i tried yours. it took a 
while but i started to get some dollars. 
Then last week I got $77,000. wow!!!! I 
never had that much money in my life its 
like 2 years wages all at one time. First 
thing I did was to get my cards paid of. 
Then I treated my G/F and family out. My 
name is like gold in my home. Thanks!!!
John Nive, LA 
(name and address supplied)

Getting a lot of money can be exciting and invigorating for a while. But then reality sets in. 

While money can insulate you from most of life's problems, you need more than that to attain personal growth... you still need a purpose.

So what would you do with your milllions? 

Do you have a powerful dream? Whatever it is, start writing now! Put down in detail what you'd most like to do. Because it will benefit you. You'll get strength by seeing your dream in print. It will motivate you. It will inspire you. 

It will make you a richer person in spirit as well as in dollars because you have put your dream into writing, and that's the first step to carrying it out.

When you write your wishes down, they turn from being a "thought" to a "plan." 

The simple act of listing your strongest desires makes them appear real and obtainable. That leads on to active reinforcement... which just means that whatever your brain thinks it can do - it will do.

And it helps you stay on track. 

For lotto players I call this special motivator "Play Persistence"... the act of keeping going when all around you is ready to give up.

That's when the real wins start.

Happy Winning!
Ken Silver