Sunday, September 12, 2010

Advance Price Warning, And Predictions For This Week's Winning Lottery Numbers.

Before I show you my week's predictions, I want to advise you in advance of a massive price increase.

And it applies to the Silver Lotto PRO System.

As you probably know, this clever system with a whopping 98% success rate is made up of three of my products bonded together:

- Silver Lotto System
- Lotto-80 System
- PRO Custom Profiles

You have to buy them separately, but the upcoming price rise applies only to the Custom Profiles.

They're discounted right now to $88 from their original price of $148.

But at the end of the week they're going up to $128... a rise of $40.

That's still a saving, but hey - you'd want to save $40 right now wouldn't you?

You've only got until the end of the week.

And don't forget, you need the Silver Lotto System AND the stupidly-cheep Lotto-80 first.

Add the Custom Profiles and watch your weekly win rate soar!

Go here: and get your Custom Profiles for just $88 - instead of $128 at the end of the week.


Here's the week's predictions from my Lotto-80 System up to and including next Saturday.

Each week around this time I select 5 lottery games at random from 87 other game days in my private membership System.

I choose the games which have a 50% or more chance of winning this coming week using Lotto-80 and the Silver Lotto System. 

And it works, believe me. Here's just one testimony:

I won $100,000 using your Silver Lotto System
and the clever Lotto-80 system. Its been the
biggest amount I've won since I bought your
Fiona.B. (fio********

And here's the picks (available only to my newsletter subscribers:


If you need to know the exact day of play for your game, go here:

It's the best way to increase the winning odds of your Silver Lotto System.

And stay subscribed to the newsletter... this information is available only to Lotto-Daily subscribers here:

Happy Winning!
Ken Silver