Thursday, July 22, 2010

How To Build An Income Snowball

Notice that many successful people have more than one string to their bow?

They're not a one-trick pony.

They have many irons in the fire.

OK - enough of the cliched phrases. 

This is what I'm talking about...

You are investing in lotto each week and you're happy enough.

Some wins are coming through, but of course they're never as reliable as a wage :)

Why not go a step further and make money from lotto in a different way - as an affiliate (reseller).

It's like building a snowball. 

Slow and steady, as it gathers speed it gets bigger and bigger until it's spinning m.oney like crazy.

All you need to start is a cute little website known as a landing page, or squeeze page.

Yes, they still work.

On it there's a nice-lookin' giveaway book which has your affiliate link scattered through it.

When curious visitors download the book, click for more info and buy from me...

Bingo. You get a bunch o' cassh. 

Up to $67 a sale in some cases (proof follows).

It really is that easy.

So why don't you set one up for yourself right now?

Oh, OK, you need a hosting account. Uh huh.

And oh yes, the design... how do you do CSS and HTML again?

Aaah... how do you get the book onto the site so that....

Let it go!

You already know this webnet stuff is way too complex.

Look - I have exactly what you want, all set up for you. 

Nothing for you to do.

And if you make a couple of sales a year, you'll have your investment paid back, easy.

What's one of the biggest reasons for getting one of these clever and profitable money-makers from me?

Ease of use? Yes. 

Updatability? Sure!

You see, I've just updated one of my free manuals, and it converts looky-loo's into buyers like crazy.

That means more people open and read the Report than ever before.

But if you had to do all this stuff yourself, you probably wouldn't know where to start (not insulting your ability here - just telling you that an expert is the best person for the job in this complex and quirky world of the net).

So my suggestion - leave it to me, the expert - and just rake in the loot.

Enough fast-talking from me... get over to the website and read more about it:

Happy Winning!
Ken Silver