Tuesday, July 13, 2010

The Bareface Facts About Lucky Winning Lottery Numbers

You're not reading this because you enjoy numbers.

I rarely talk about them.

After all, what's sexy about say, the number 38?

(I'll tell you anyway - it's the most common number to be drawn in many lottery games. And rest assured that my system includes that magic number, without question).

No, you're here because you want to win - and you don't really care how.

Anything I say about numbers won't impress you, because all you want is the combination that wins the next game and puts you into lottery heaven.

So what kind of number WOULD interest you?

How about 8?

That the one of the luckiest numbers for Asian countries. I use 8 in my system.

Other lucky numbers are 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 9. I use those too.

That doesn't leave many left! 

How about 4, considered unlucky in Chinese, Japanse and Korean cultures?

Well it hasn't stopped many of my Silverites from winning.

What I'm saying is that a number by itself is not lucky or unlucky... just its combination with others.

But still, you don't care, and I don't blame you.

A row of numbers rarely gets anyone excited - except a mathematics professor.

My reason here is to get you excited about the concept of winning, not the numbers.

I've done the hard yards on the calcs for you... you don't have to worry about getting the combinations right.

What you do need is my system - that will get all the numbers together in the right order!

Hi Ken;
I bought your system ... Then saved until I could play at least the 35 picks ($35) of profile 1. I won ten dollars. Well that was good. Saved again, reinvested that $10 into playing all of profile 1 again. I WON $100,000!!!!!! on my second try. Your system works and your tips are very important to follow. I'm continuing to play and expect to win again. I'll write again when I do. Thanks for a system that works.
Regards, Ron

Happy Winning!
Ken Silver