Saturday, August 13, 2011

What The Rolling Stones Concert Taught Me About Winning The Lottery


So you've given the lotto shop your $10 or $20 this Saturday, and only got a free ticket or a $3 ticket back for it.

And you figure you're not going to waste any more money until you can get a guaranteed win.

Good luck to ya!

Instead, you need to keep playing - even through the slack times.

And this is why Silverites like Phil and Michael (and me with a 98% success rate) win many times over:

...kept trying the system and 2 weeks 
ago won 2nd division powerball $100,000.00...
Thanks Phil..

Phil F.**

I've won: $400.00, $300.00, $75.00, $50.00, $10.00, $5.00, $3.00 not just once but many times... I won every week for four months on Powerball. It was a great feeling...YOUR SYSTEM WORKS.
Thank you
Michael A. (ardo*****

What stops most folk from winning is this - they think they are 'losing' money when they don't win.

So I'm giving you 5 effective ways to stop that nagging feeling that you're losing money every time you buy lottery tickets.

Because until you can stop that unconscious feeling of loss, you're never going to win big.

Your lottery money is an investment - but always not the kind you may get back straight away.

Sometimes your winning streak may be instant.

Or it may not happen for a while.

And until that happy day, you just have to keep persevering.

Here's the 5 ways to reduce the effects of loss and keep you enthusiastic:

#1. Pay The Entry Price:
A couple years ago the Rolling Stones came to our city on tour. While I'm not a Stones fan, it was a big event and thousands had paid for a seat in our open air stadium. I didn't. So on the evening the band were playing, I drove by the stadium on my way to the shops and listened to them for a few minutes parked outside. 

It was a mildly nostalgic moment for me as it brought back memories of lost teenage years. Of course, nothing would replace seeing the act itself for real, but then I hadn't bought a ticket. Just like playing the lottery - without the entrance fee, the price of the tickets - I would never be able to get in and enjoy the show, or jackpot. 

But there's a problem with buying tickets too. The outcome is not always guaranteed: 

- If it rained, the act would have been cancelled and left me and thousands disappointed. 

- Or, I could have got into the show but been disappointed with the performance and come out with a throbbing earache from the noise - and very few good memories. 

- Or I could have got backstage, grabbed autographs from Mick and Keef on my guitar and sold it on eBay for a few thousand dollars. Then, as a former bass guitarist, I would have blipped a few skilful notes on a nearby bass and they would have asked me to become a session musician with them :) 

The fact is - you don't know what the outcome will be. It could be a succession of failures... or the best experience you'll ever have... the jackpot. 

So your ticket is an essential entrance fee - a gateway to these experiences.

Without it, you're standing at the gate outside, peering in.

And it's the same with the lottery. 

Don't ever call your ticket costs a 'loss.' 

Your play-money is the first important entry point to success, so pay up happily.

#2. Don't Pay Cash. 
This is contraversial flipside advice. Many well-meaning financial and budget advisers - like Suze Orman and her "Back To Cash" movement - will tell you to use cash so you can keep a better grip on where your money goes. The physical act of taking money out of your wallet and passing it across makes the spending process more real. 

Not us. We want to avoid that so we can be less sensitive to the money going out. So wherever you can - use plastic. I'm not saying you should spend freely or unwisely. Just make sure you reduce the mental and physical effect of money going out from your wallet. There will be less pain for you!

#3. Pay Late. 
I pay all my bills the moment they come in... it's the way I get great service from tradespeople for future business. But when I'm buying lottery tickets, I want those digital greenbacks in my own bank account until the very last minute. So I pay late as possible on the afternoon of the game... leaving it until the last hour sometimes. If you pay early in the week your funds are just sitting uselessly in the lottery pool - helping only the organizers as it gathers interest for them. Keep the power (and the interest) to yourself, pay late!

#4. Use Throwaway Money.
If you're like most folk, you use most of your money for other things. There's no such thing as 'spare' money for you. But if you are going to stop the feeling of loss - and be able to play fearlessly - you need to look at the money you spend as a totally throwaway expense. Of course, in the real world we need every dollar, there's nothing like spare money like this. But the closer you can get to this ideal, the better you play will become. So only play with the money you can afford to do without.

#5. Don't Write To Me.
Occasionally I get players writing to me saying they have spent $xx and only got $x back. The minute I see these emails I know these folk will never win. They don't have the mindset of a winner that forces them on when times seem bad. I know they'll soon give up.

And in fact this last tip #5 is probably the MOST important. 

Because the secret to success in the lottery or anything else is pure Persistance. 

Just read success stories of entrepreneurs who had made it. The most common trait is purely and simply Persistance... it is the common fact that unites them all in getting to the top. 

And it applies to everything we do in playing the lottery too.

Only the focused and persistant players will ever win big.

I hope you will count yourself among them by following these tips.

Right now you should be working towards next week's games, using your Silver Lotto System together with the Lotto-80 System.

It's a powerful way to multiply your winning strategy.

For a tiny $7.80 a month you'll get the best opportunity to improve your winning weeks, no question.

Just thought I'd update you since my last communication - Ken
I have continued to win at EACH and EVERY draw I entered since
purchasing your system. Again I won $500.00 this last Saturday,
it's like having a part time job or something!!! To reiterate, I
have won EACH and EVERY draw I entered.
Yours truly, Diane
(name and address supplied)

Make Every Play Day a PAY Day!
Ken Silver