Tuesday, August 02, 2011

My Dirty Secret For Lottery Winning Success


My cars are clean - real clean.

They are lovingly polished each week by yours truly, and I have the achy breaky shoulder to prove it!

I've used the hugely effective Meguiars cleaning products for years, and they never fail to produce a deep glossy shine.

My house is clean too.

Each day 3 iRobot Roombas whirr and whiz their way over the carpets to remove evidence of every crumb we've dropped.

And our cutlery and crockery are shining from the cleaning they get overnight from our dishwasher.

But when I pull out the lotto tickets at my local store - ready to play - why am I so ashamed?

Because, gulp, the handful of cards are crinkled and grimy, a little off color. 

And some are badly creased.

The lotto guy frowns as the machine beeps in protest.

He yanks out yet another of my defective tickets from the jaws of the machine, and tries to insert it again.

"You need new tickets," he suggests, every week, as the machine spits out yet another reject.

Why is this?

How can a clean freak like me end up with tickets that look like the dog chewed on them - and gave them back?

Simple answer...

I've used those same tickets for years.

In other words - I eat my own dog food - I always do what I recommend.

And since my system says "use the same tickets each game."... so I dutifully follow my own instructions.

And the reason I do this is even simpler...

Every time I use these ragtag pieces of crumpled card, I win some prizes.

Often never less than 2 prizes a game - sometimes up to 5 prizes or more.

Sometimes it's a little win, other times it's enough to make me do a tapdance out the shop door.

With dirty tickets.

One day I'll sit down - or get my 14 year-old grandson to do it for me - and fill out the tickets again.

Even though I haven't renewed them for 6 years or more... my tickets still keep spewing out constant winnings each time I play, like many others:

Holy Smokes Ken.
I just checked my numbers and I got 5 numbers again for another $2,463 for the December 22nd draw. Last weekend December 17 I won $1,957.80. This could become a full-time job for me. That's a total of $4420.80 in one week.
Thanks to your Silver Lotto System I am on my way to being back on my feet financially.
I've been playing the lotto for many years and never come close to winning this much.

Don Kellough. (Canada)

So if I can show you anything from my experience, it is this:

1. Once you fill out your tickets, about 30 minute's light work, you never touch them again. This is different to most other lottery systems on the planet which require you to fill out different sequences each game. 

2. Your ticket trove then becomes like a little goldmine, pushing out wins at an extraordinary rate (disclaimer - you've got to follow my system exactly to get my 98% result). 

OK Ken, here's my news!!!! I won $3,550 yesterday!!! Wow! It might not seem much to some of you others but it is a frikking fortune to me. My only problem is that it took about 3 months and I was about to give up, and was only playing about a quarter of your full system which I realize is not that hot to do. But it came through at the best time when I needed the dollars and that is the best thing. Put my name out -I'll tell them your Silver Lotto System works good!!!! 

Jerry Steinecker, LA.

Who knows... perhaps your own dirty set of tickets will get you the jackpot you've always wanted.

The good thing to know - there's very little effort needed!

And if you want to ramp up your winnings even more, take a look at the PRO System here: http://www.silverlottopro.com

Make Every Play Day a PAY Day!
Ken Silver